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I see the cop cars before I hear them.

"Crap," I mutter. I pull my mask down over my face and pull up my hood as I start to run faster. I come up to a fence and barely clear it with my foot clipping the top. Now that I'm in the woods, I have an advantage. The cops are far enough behind me, they'll have to get out and search for me. Looking over my shoulder, I see that they've stopped on the road and are slowly trying to get over the fence. I run for about 5 more minutes until I reach the end of the woods.

Thank god Ash makes me run as much as he does, I say to myself as I pull my backpack around to the front of my body. As I pull my helmet out of my bag, I see Asher on his bike next to mine. The dogs in the neighborhood are barking super loudly at the moment, but I think it has more to do with the police and the noise they're making, rather than Asher and I. I jump onto my bike and speed off, and make sure my partner is following.

"You good, T?" He asks through the headset. I smile a little bit.

"Yeah. What about you? Anybody ask you questions or anything?"

"No. I got the bikes from Mark and then I left. We need to get home quick though, because I heard some chatter on the radios that they were going to block off the highways and have checkpoints." I nod, but I realize he can't see me nod.

"Ok. Let's go." Both of us speed up a little bit and take the back roads to our house. About 30 seconds after we get onto the highway, I see blue and red lights and a cop car gaining fast. I slow down a little bit, as does Asher. We pull to the right side of the road. I can feel the sweat building up. The cop pulls over behind me. I flip the visor on my helmet up and take my mask down so the cop isn't suspicious. Asher pulls off and goes ahead, but I can tell he's nervous. I hear the cop's shoes as he's walking up to me and I stay as calm as I possibly can.

"Ma'am, do you understand how fast you were going?" I hear a familiar voice say. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth as I turn to Mike, Mark's brother. He has a shit eating grin and I swear I can see almost all of his bright ass teeth. Rolling my eyes at him, I keep up the act.

"No sir, I have no idea, but I do think I was well within the speed limit."

"Yes, ma'am you were. Let me tell you the real reason I stopped you, and Asher too, because I know for a fact that he's listening through your headset." There's a chuckle from Ash in my ear. "There is a checkpoint about 2 miles down, but I'm going to tell them that I've already checked you, because, technically, I have." Mike smiles down at me. "Please get home safe ma'am!" He walks away, but not before throwing a wink my way. He takes off down the road, and I do the same.

"Dude, I thought I was dead." I say to Asher.

"Me too man. I thought that you were going to jail. If that was a different cop, and they searched your bag, you'd be locked up for a loooooong time."

"Yeah, for real. I'll meet you at the house ok?"

"Ok. Be safe T," He says.

"You too." I lean down further and speed up. On my way home, I start to think about what actually would've happened if it wasn't Mike that pulled me over. I don't like doing what we do, but it pays the bills I guess.

After a little bit, I get to the house where Asher is already waiting leaned up against his bike, smoking a cigarette. I turn my bike off and look up at the broken down, off-white two story house that Asher and I own together. Sighing, we start to head inside. The door creaks as I open it, but that's basically where the broken-down aspect of the house stops. Over the summer, we got enough money for repairs for the house. We have two houses next to us that we have remodeled and rented out to some friends of ours. They pay pretty low rent, but the only condition is that they have to watch the house when we aren't there.

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