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My alarm goes off a minute after I wake up. Normally, I wake up without an alarm, like today, but it's there just in case I don't. I go over to it and turn it off. Picking up my phone, I look at the notifications I didn't see yesterday. Madison posted a picture of herself and her boyfriend, so I like it and comment on it. My sister texted me, reminding me that school started in a week. Ugh. I can't wait to get this year over with.

I get dressed in a sports bra and some sweats, then walk downstairs. Asher is on the phone with someone so he holds up a finger to me to tell me to wait a second. I just wait and get onto my phone to text Madison a good morning text. As I'm scrolling through Instagram, Asher clears his throat.

"You ready?" Asher asks me.

"Mm-hmm. Who was on the phone, Ash?" We start to walk down to the basement.

"Just Mark. He wanted to know when he was getting the bikes back."

"Did Mike tell him anything about what happened?" I ask, curious to know what's going to happen to Jackson.

"It worked just like we planned. They thought the robbery was framed because of the window and they found the cocaine and the weed. Mike said he's going to be in jail for a few years."

We get downstairs to the training area and I go to one of the treadmills and put my headphones in. Setting the distance for 5 miles, I start to run.

It's about 8 now and I'm done with training. I walk upstairs to take a shower and pull my blond hair out of my ponytail. As I undress, I think of how I used to look last year. I wasn't obese, but I wasn't skinny either. A little chubby, actually. I've grown a lot too, which was unexpected. My acne has gone down a lot too, so my face looks better. Overall, I've really improved myself and I feel a lot more confident about my body now.

Turning on my shower playlist, I step into the shower and go through what I need to do for the meeting in my head. I need to be at the dealership at around 10 so I can get the file and read through it. Then I need to look at some cars that fit what this client wants. The last thing that I absolutely have to do before this meeting is look at the packages we offer and which one would fit her needs the best. We offer a silver, gold and platinum package. The silver package gives them free maintenance for a year, the gold gives free maintenance for 5 years and new tires every year for those 5 years, and the platinum gives free maintenance for life, cheaper car repairs, new tires every year, and 1 free paint job.

I get out of the shower and try to choose what to wear. Normally, I wear just jeans and a nicer t-shirt, but I need to choose something nicer for the meeting. Eventually, I decided on a pair of nice fitting gray plants and a nice white button up shirt. I roll my sleeves up to my elbows and then go to put my hair back up and put some mascara on. My eyelashes are blond, so it makes me look like I have no eyelashes if I don't have mascara on. Plus, it brings out my eyes. They're a blueish-gray color. Finally, I put on my black Converse and walk out of my room, almost forgetting my phone.

Madison texted me while I was in the shower and asked if I wanted to have lunch later.

It depends. I have a meeting with an HPC earlier. I might be done at 12, I might be done at 3. I'll text you when I'm done though ok?

I send the text and get an answer back almost immediately.

Madi: Ok. I don't care when you get done, I just wanna have lunch. I'll pick you up from work when you get done. See ya!

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my backpack. In my backpack, I've got my laptop, my charger, and a small handgun with a hunting knife. You can never be too careful. Asher is at the table eating cereal and on his phone, no doubt texting his new girl of the week. He looks up when he sees me.

"Heading out already?"

"Yeah, I want to make sure the meeting goes well. Do you want coffee? I'm going to stop at Starbucks on my way." He'll be there shortly after me, so I don't have to worry about the coffee getting cold.

"Sure. Just get me my usual. See you later!" With that, I walk to the garage. I walk to my beautiful car. It's a sleek black 2018 Camaro. That's a perk of working at a car dealership. You get access to cars before they actually come out.

I climb into my car and connect my phone to the aux cord. XXXTentacion comes on and I start belting out the lyrics as I back out of the driveway. I drive down our broken little road leading out onto the highway. I rolled my window down because it's pretty nice out today. When I'm almost in town, Halsey comes on.

I turn the volume all the way up and start singing at the top of my lungs.

"Got a girl with California eyes, and I thought that she could really be the one this time! But I never got the chance to make her mine-" I get distracted by someone waving at me in the next lane. I look over and it's Madi. I wave back to her and turn my music down so I can talk to her at the next stoplight. When we get to the next stoplight she rolls her window down.

"Where you going T?" She asks me.

"Starbucks. How about you?"

"Same. Meet you there?" I nod and roll my window back up as the light turns green. We both pull into Starbucks and park next to each other. When we get out, she tackles me in a hug.

"Hey! I missed you!" She says. I laugh.

"I saw you last week and we talk every day. How's Brett?" Brett is her boyfriend of 2 years. He's a sophomore in college now. I really like him. He's the only guy that hasn't treated her like crap.

"He's great! I'm moving in with him next week, actually. Let's go get coffee." She links our arms and we walk into Starbucks. As we wait in line we catch up on life. I told her that Jackson was arrested last night, but I didn't tell her why. She tells me about her mom. When we get to the front of the line, a brunette catches my eye. She's behind me in line and she doesn't seem bothered that I caught her staring. It's kind of like she wanted to get caught.

"T. T. Tatum!" Madi shakes my arm, finally getting my attention.

"What? Oh yeah. Three Vanilla Frappuccino's with extra whipped cream, one with an extra shot of espresso please." The barista writes down the order and gives us our total. Madison goes to pay, but I hand the barista my debit card first. Once we pay we sit down and I not so secretly watch the brunette. She's gorgeous. Her hair goes down to her mid-back and her eyes are a bright blue. Her legs are very toned and so is every other part of her body. She's wearing skinny jeans with a black t-shirt and converse. Somehow, she can sense me staring and looks back at me. When she sees me, she winks, turning my face bright red. I look away really fast and try to tune back into what Madison was saying.

"-and he's starting this year! Isn't that great? I just hope he isn't going to get hurt. I mean, Brett is pretty big, but I don't think that he's invincible, you know?" I just nod. Brett is pretty huge. He's 6'5" and about 230 pounds. Most people are scared of him, and with good reason.

"Brett thinks he's invincible, though. That's the problem." The barista calls our names and I walk over to get our coffee. We walk outside with our coffee to our cars.

"I'll meet you for lunch later, ok? I gotta put this file together." I hug my best friend goodbye and get into my car. As I'm putting my drinks in the cup holders, I look at the person that's getting in the car on the right side of mine. It's the really hot brunette I saw earlier. She turns to me and smirks. My face turns red hot and I pull out really fast and get to the dealership as fast as I can.

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