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My alarm went off at 5.

"Ugh why did I set it for this earlllllly?" I questioned myself out loud. That's when I remembered, it's the first day of school. I'm low key excited, because of soccer, but I'm also high key pissed because I have to wake up early. This year, I have one free hour. ONE. Most seniors only have like one CLASS.

Breaking out of my inner monologue, I get up and walk downstairs to the training room. I mostly just train in my bra and gym shorts so that way I can wake up and go. Asher is waiting for me in the training room. He smiles at me.

"You ready?" I can tell he wants to mention the first day of school thing, but he won't because he doesn't want to make me more mad than I already am. I train on cardio and then core for a little bit. At 6, we start the fun part. The part where I get to beat stuff up.

I walk over to the punching bag and put my gloves on. I turn my volume up on my music all the way. After about 15 minutes and a sweat towel later, I feel a hand on my arm. Asher is standing behind me. I take my earbuds out.

"You need to get ready for school. The twins came over and made you breakfast." He informs me. I wipe off my face and chug some water as I walk upstairs. Mike and Mark are at the bar counter eating the waffles they made. They look up as I come in. Mike is wearing his police uniform already, while Mark is wearing a white tee with ripped jeans, Vans and a beanie. The only difference between him and Mike is that he has dyed black hair and he wears glasses.

"How's T doing on her last first day of school?" Mark asks me. Out of the two twins, he's the nicer one. They're both dicks, but Mark is the least dicky.

"I would say she'll do fine today and won't beat anyone's ass. She already beat the hell out of my punching bag", Asher chuckles as I sit down beside him with my plate. I nudge him and reach for my coffee. Asher, the twins and I engage in conversation about our upcoming activities for the day. Apparently, Mike is one of the new officers at the high school this year because of increased "violence rates". Asher is closing a few deals on cars today while Mark is going to try to get some of our, shall we say "product", sold.

I finished my plate a while ago and now I'm just finishing my coffee. My phone vibrates on the table. Checking it, I realize it's about 7 and I need to leave at 8. Giving Mike and Mark a kiss on the cheek each, I go to shower and get ready for school. I wash my hair with my shampoo and inhale the vanilla scent. I love the smell of vanilla and if a girl has vanilla perfume on, I get intoxicated. The thought of Adrianna runs through my mind for a second. She sure is gorgeous, but she's way out of my league. With the type of cars she was wanting and the fact that she was able to pay in cash, that just further proved that she was out of my league, not to mention her age. I didn't know how old she was exactly, but she was at least 20 and a 20 something wouldn't want to date an immature 17-year-old.

Cutting off my thoughts, I step out of the shower and dry myself off. I switch my thoughts to my outfit and decide something simple. In less than five minutes, I'm wearing a white Adidas shirt with ripped black jeans, black vans, glasses, and a black beanie. Without realizing it, I have dressed exactly like Mark. Shrugging the thought off, I put my laptop in my new backpack. It's nothing special, just a black Nike backpack. Asher comes up the stairs as I'm slipping my phone in my pocket and he leans on my door frame.

"You excited?" He asks. Glancing up at him, I slightly shake my head.

"Hmm, no not really. I have way too many classes and I won't be able to focus on work." I sling my backpack onto my back. Asher goes down the stairs as I follow.

"About that, I know you love working at the shop, but you need to take a bit off, ok?" We're at the bottom of the stairs at this point and I stop.

"How long do you mean?" Asher turns to me. The guilt on his face is apparent. He knows how much I like working there. Well, it's not that I like working there, it's that 1. I feel guilty when I don't work there because that means Asher is pulling the weight and 2. I like interacting with the people that come in.

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