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hello world

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hello world.
my name is riley.

i'm a certified sad kid™
with the personality of a door frame.

let's get some facts about me going on like stacy's mom, shall we?

- i'm hilarious
well, at least i think so. maybe you thought it was funny that i said that so checkmate.

- i really like video games
like don't even get me started. i love them sO MUCH OKAY

- i enjoy superheroes
i like em a lot

- i dabble in the art of memes

- robb stark is really hot
that's not about me but it's a fact okay

- i lOvE sPacE

-i love anything in the arts
music, painting, writing, all of it

-i'm not good at writing about myself
as you can see

honestly this book is going to be filled with a lot of bullshite.
i'll probably write random short stories, tell jokes, and tell random secrets to strangers on the internet.

i truly hope you'll come along for the ride.

have a fantabuloustastic day, everyone.
riley, out.

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