LMAOOOOO i forgot ab this thing

28 4 4

whassup bitches!!!!!!! not gonna lie i forgot wattpad even EXISTED

i'm hella sure anyone who ever touched this book is like dead just like this site lol

but it's cool it's whatever i'm fine it's fine everything is fine

looking at my drafts from almost four fucking years ago is making me wanna lay down on the freeway but it's fine we're fine

i don't wanna talk ab fourteen year old riley
was i fourteen?? i think,,, maybe thirteen idk

anyway she fuckin sucks but i do now too lmao

anyway see y'all whores prolly never idk bye much love 💓💘💞💗💕💖

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anyway see y'all whores prolly never idk
bye much love 💓💘💞💗💕💖

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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