C:1 Let Us Begin

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Error POV

I was going around GasterTale killing all that I saw destroying the structures aswel. Wonder when the freak will get here. Heh, that freak is really gay ain't he? Plus he's terrible at hiding it. I mean the dork has a literal rainbow diy in the shaved part of his head! Thou Im strait, nothin' wrong with people bein' gay, im just not. As soon as I destroyed Gaster Sanses soul a portal open and it showed me a short, pale as the moon, boy with a huge pain brush on his back.

"Oh, lOO-Ook thE Rain-Ra-nBoW PukE sHoW-wed U-up!" I mocked, as Inks glare shot daggers.

"Error... stop... now... or eles." Ink said lowly and darkly.

I smirked and wraped him up in strings. I brought him close and his face flushed rainbow as he got centimeters away from my face. "I-Its No-N-Not Goo-ooO-od T-TO Th-tHrea-aTen A DESTROYER OF WORLDS... It co-COuLd get-gEt yo-you kiLl-lled." I droped him and walked off...

When I began to hear a shout from the distance as ink shot up grom the tone, it was loud, not at all gentle, but kind. Soon the sound was audiable as the small blue dye hair and had a blue scarf around his neck forming a bow in the back. Ink was soon pulled into a hug by this human. They began to talk about random things, then it came to the topic of sexuality. I waited to hear them respond. But said they were gay and blue said he had a small crush on this Dust guy (DUSTBERRY FOR THE WIN! Sorry I had to) while Ink didnt have one. After that I decided to walk off, it aint worth it. Plus, the brightness of their pale moon skin was burning my retinas.

Once I got tired of walking I decided to just make a portal home.

~In the anti-void~

My house was laying to my left, I made my way inside. Only to find an almost white interior, welcome home.


BlueBerry left after a long chat. Guess its time to go 'home', soon I opened a portal to my 'home' I was greeted to an erie feeling, the feeling you get when your completely alone, Welcome 'home'.

I went to the kitchen and got a packet of Ramen and set some water to boil then went to sit down couch. My house had colors everywhere, nothing was blank. Even if it was a light color, its a color. This has reason to my serious and irrational fear of the color white. Also known as luekophobia. Even the windows are tinted. I then heard the water boiling from the poping bubbles. I finished it off and sat down with it and watched Animal Planet.

After I was done I got up and got my blue flip book sketch pad. I let my mind wander to what it wanted to, I wonder if Errors' gay? ... Of course not hes as strait as a brick wall! Heh, if only he was... why must I like a man whos never gonna like me back?

Im just an idiot.... yep thats it.... AHHHHH! OWWW! ERROR! IT FEELS LIKE DEATH!

I fall from the couch in pain dropping my sketch pad in the process. I knew there was doing, he was destroying an AU. This pain comes with making AUs, I will feel all the pain you AUs feel and everyone that inhabits them. I've experienced the pain like this so many times it's hard to remember. But it only gets worse. The bigger main characters he destroys the more it hurts ...he wouldn't care if he finds out.

I scream on agony as my whole body gives off an internal pain. This take about 10 minuets of unbearable pain until it finally stops.

~Time Skip by 10 minuets brought to you by Error in a pink tutu~

Finaly the pain stops and I gather my thoughts and figure out which AU hes destroying.


Welp here we go again. I soon grabbed by paint brush from beside me and jumped into a rainbow spiral portal leading to a blood stained AU only to be greeted by blue sharp strings.
HEAK YA! ITS DONE WOOOOO! My new story is OUT! Sorry I get excited...




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