C:7 Error Takes Notice

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Nobody POV

After Ink left, Error just chilled, taking time off. Ink was seeing how Drean was doing. You see, Ink agreed to see someone about his self-harm issues. Dream made him, seeing Ink like that was horrible! So here he was, in a private room with Science!Sans. Talking. Listening. Tired. Bored. Why was Ink here again? Oh yeah, self-harm.

With Error in the Anti-Void

Error was up stairs, tending to PaperJam. The kid was a handful, really, REALLY, energetic like Ink sometimes is. The child currently has a firm grip onto Error's finger and won't let go, this is very difficult when the magic father is trying to make a bottle for the child with ingredients Ink left for him. Finaly Error just used his strings to maneuver the hand-held devices and make the food that way. Oh, also his mental voices were screaming at him for touching, and letting another living thing touch him.

But, his child was an exception to this rule. Soon the bottle was done and the child began to screem when Error took his hand away to get the lid of the bottle on. The scream wad high-pitched and hecka' loud, it would make your ears bleed. Thankfully, Error had to listen to his glitched screams back at his home- old house. This is his home now, this was his child. No family, just a shared commitment to a small being unable to care for ones self.

He had the child eating happily in a pillow circle on Inks' bed. The remote was on the side table so he turned on the T.V. that hung from the wall infront of the queen size bed. Error settled on a very childish show.

Errors POV

The kid liked it so I'll deal with it. Once the infant fell asleep, I put them into their crib and went down stairs to find Ink without his shirts (Yes shirts, he wears 2 layers, I think), while his sash and paint brush were a foot away from his on the couch. He couldn't see me do I just watched and looked at him. Yes, I know Ima' creep.


He pealed of the bandages to reveal words and slashes dashed into his smooth skin. Some of them didn't look self-inflicted, they looked like lines indented into the skin... I bet I did that. All the scars looked around a month old. But I could, somewhat read the words on the his torso.




Peice of trash





Unneeded, Unsuccessful, and SOULLESS looked dug into more.... did I contribute to this? Ink then got out cream and started to apply it to his skin. He sighed, looking down at the mess of his torso. He put the bandages back on.


I couldn't stop myself. I lunged at Ink. Pinning him to the couch in a hug. I felt tears finally come out of my eyes as I hugged his ribs careful not to touch any on the damaged spots. I heard him break into full on sobs beneath me.

And I thought I was broken.

He lugged his soft arms around me and clung to me like I would disappear if he let go.

Soon he calmed down and patted my side for me to get off. I did so, only now realizing




He was hecka' toned. His arms and chest were defined. But, my drool session was cut short as Ink put his under shirt on. But then it hit me.... I HUGGED SOMEONE AND DROOLED OVER MY OPPOSITE AND ENEMY. My glitch hopped up and the symptoms of Hapephobia and panic were induced onto me, (I've had an anxiety attack so I will use some symptoms I have during them) I was numb to everything around me, my vision started to tunnle, I felt like drowning and hyperventilating at the same time. The only thing I could focus on was my mind going a million miles a minuet. Then felt a warm, fuzzy thing drapped over me, along with sitting on a soft surface beneath me. The darkness consumed me and I fell asleep in its clutches.

Nobodys POV

Ink layed Error down on the couch with one of his softest blankets. Then, he got up and went to the kitchen, planing on making grill cheese with tomato soup. Only now realizing he hadn't eaten in over a day, neither did the dark male resting on the couch. Ink summoned fresh(heheheehhehehe) tomatoes and other ingredients with his trusty wooden tool, latching it to his back afterwards.

~2 hour time skip~

Error had awoken and smelled something delicious coming from behind the couch. He looked up to see Ink dancing around the kitchen, cooking, what looked like, grilled cheese. Ink spun around, now facing the living room and burst into a skittle. Error let out a distorted laugh, filling the room with an chilling and unwelcoming feeling. Ink shivered and went back to work, no matter how many times he had heard it, it still scared him. Now he was plating the delectable food at hand.

The Ink-printed boy walking into the living room, two plated in hand. He set the larger filled plate infront of Error and took the other plate, which was half the size and way less filled than the one the taller had. Error took notice to the portion size, his was a normal size plate while Inks' was a plate you'd use for roles (of a play... ok I'll stop now). He looked at Ink sceptically. "Ink?" He said, eyeing the smaller.

Ink looked up, a tiny bit worred under the destroyers harsh, unforgiving, gaze. "Yes?"

"Why arn't you eating the right amount?"

"I am, for my size, height, and exercise!"

"I don't accept liars, Ink."

Ink took a visible gulp. "Well, how much should I eat then?" Error said nothing and took Inks' plate from him, moved to the kitchen, and grabed a larger plate that was of normal size. He took all the food from Inks' plate and put it onto the big plate. He then put the small plate into the sink, carefully I might add, and went to where the extra food was layed out. He took another slice of a quarter-cut sandwich. He took one more look at the scrawny- now that he got a good look, Ink was under weight for his age and size. He added more tomato soup and another slice to the plate, before making his way to sit back down with Ink.

Ink only staired at the full plate. It was just as much as Error had. He almost looked horrified. Error only said one thing to the other before eating; "You are not fat. You are under-weight. Eat." Then Ink, for once, ate content, not worring about how he looked.

I'M BACK BABY! Yes I might- mabey- sorta'- kinda'- moved things fast... I WILL NOT STOPPPPPPP! Anyways, take no note to the schedule anymore. LONG CHAPTER FOR THE LONG WAIT! THANKS BYEEEEEE! *Jumps back into sin bin*


Word Count: 1213

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