Sushi Troubles

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Beverly Hills!

Sighing, you turned the corner from an alley way.

A girl with long, red hair wondered past you with a map, looking around the area eagerly.

A blonde girl then hopped out of a taxi. She stared up at the store before her in awe. Giggling, she walked in.

A bus stopped by the side of the road. A girl with black hair walked out. She stared at the gym almost excitedly.

You didn't pay any mind to them though.

Why would you?

'They're probably just new.' You thought with a shrug.

Continuing with your journey around the area, you slowed your pace down when you near another alleyway, between a shoe store and a café.

Glancing around, you quickly jogged into the dark area when no one seemed to be paying any attention to you.

"Ugh. I swear, alleyways are the only place I could be alone." You plopped yourself down on a beat up looking couch.

Scrunching up your nose, you stood back up rather quickly, "Gross. It reeks of trash."

As if your luck could get any more worse, a window opened above you.

Looking up in curiosity, your eyes widened when seeing a person carelessly dump their drink out the window.

"Ah! That's cold!" You shivered, feeling the cold, wetness of the beverage.

"Huh?" The person said.

Looking out the window, they sweat dropped, "My bad!" They called before quickly closing the window.

Flushing red from anger, you shouted, "My bad doesn't get me a new sweater!"

She must have heard you. After a short moment, the window opened again and a sweater was thrown out. "Hope that helps somewhat!" Then, the window closed again.

Picking up the baby blue hoodie, you sighed. "Better than this thing."

Taking off the orange sweater, you threw it to the side and slid the "newer" one on.

Trudging your way out of the alleyway, you turned the corner to make your way back to your apartment.

A few people looked at you. A few laughed, while others whispered.

Rolling your eyes, you mumbled, "I get it. I smell of garbage and my hair is soaked. Mind your own business."

After some times, you calmed down.

Pulling at the sweater, you hummed, "Hmm. Not bad. Though I still miss that orange one."

Nearing the center of the shopping district, you continued on with your journey back to your small apartment.

Unknowing to you, someone had there eyes on you. Not just you however...

Crossing the road, a sushi restaurant caught your attention.

Three other girls also seemed interested in the place.

'I've always wanted to have sushi.' You thought with a nod.

Out of the corner of your eye, the blonde girl began walking again. She bumped into the red head from earlier.

"Oops! Sorry." She apologized with a smile.

"It's okay." the red head smiled with a blush of embarrassment.

As the four of you were about to go your separate ways, a loud, cracking sound was heard.

Looking up, you all jumped back.

"Ah!" A large pillar fell into the ground, right before you girls.

It happened again, but this time the other one was behind you four. "Ah!"

Blinking, the red head, walked up to a pillar, "huh?"

Taking a step back, you all oozed up at top of the building.

The giant sushi roll fell.

The blonde panicked. Deciding last minute, she threw her shopping bags up in the air, "Oh no! My bags!"

Just as the sushi roll was gonna crush you, you all jumped away.

It kinda amazed you actually. Not everyday you see Beverly Hills girls do such amazing moves like that.

You watched in shock as the roll, well, rolled down the street.

"We are so lucky we didn't get pumbled!" Red spoke with relief.

"No doubt!" Blonde agreed.

Not really paying attention to where the gaint, food went to, you all stood back up.

Red helped the dark haired chick to her feet.

"Oh no! Even the sushi has attitude in Beverly Hills." The blonde exclaimed, throwing the ruined clothes to the side.

"Maybe it's just trying to get to the ocean." The dark haired girl replied, dusting herself off.

"I highly doubt that." You commented, helping yourself up.

"Apparently the oceans this way. Run for it!" Red exclaimed.

At that, it was then when you noticed the giant sushi roll, bouncing back at you four.

Screaming, you looked back at the roll that was right on your tails.

Somehow, the four of you ended up running with the sushi.

You stumbled now and then, not used to running on a giant roll of sushi.

In a state if panic, you all latched onto each other.

You even held onto the girls for dear life.

"What do we do?" The dark haired girl from your right left asked.

"I don't know!"The blonde exclaimed on your left exclaimed.

Looking forward, your eyes widened, "Hey! Look!"

The girls turned to look.

"Oh no! Looks like we're not the only ones in trouble! Check out that poor little piggy!" The dark haired girl exclaimed with worry.

"Come on! We gotta stop this thing before it turns all four of us into bacon!" The red haired spoke up.

"I could go for some bacon." You mumbled.

"No!" The girl on your left exclaimed.

The red head spoke up.

"We need a really long rope!"

From then, you all worked together to stop the thing.

The blonde used her purple belt as a rope, Red suggested we figure out how to tie it around the roll and the arch way up ahead, dark haired chick volunteered to handle the arch way.

"Woah! Killer move!" Red congratulated her.

You had to admit yet again, the move she did to get on the archway was amazing.

Dark haired chick gave a thumbs up, signaling for you to do your part.

"Got it!" You held the other end of the rope, flinging it under the giant sushi roll.

Then, yourself along with the other two girls jumped off the roll.

You had landed in a garbage can.

"Ugh. Why do I always end up smelling like trash?" You picked a banana peal off your head.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the dark haired girl go after the pig from earlier.

Taking your attention back to the giant roll of sushi, you watched as it swung around it. Then, it exploded.

"Awesome." You smirked, "Not everyday you see exploding sushi."

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