Getting Whooped?

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New outfit at top^^

Standing in front of Clovers locker, you watched as this major wardrobe just came out of her locker.

"I have at least ten outfits in here." Clover says.

"Ten outfits? Now that's what I call resourceful." Sam rubs the back of her head.

"Totally Clover. You're like a one woman wardrobe department." Alex looked through the clothes.

"Before we change, should we do something about Mandy?" Alex asks.

You smirked, "Just leave that to me."

"Yeah. We'll deal with her later." Clover revealed her entire new outfit.

"When she least expects it." You smirk.

About half an hour has passed from cleaning yourselves up and basically getting ready all over again.

"Are you sure about this Clover? I don't usually wear this much pink, or show this much skin, or walk with this much heel." You asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Trust me. You look great. You seriously rock this miss tomboy." Clover slings an arm over you shoulder.

Suddenly the ground started to shake.

"What is that?" You fell to the floor.

"The latte? Or a serious earth quake!" Clover panicked.

"Maybe it's another one of Mandy's tricks." Alex speculated.

Suddenly a locker flung open and a large amount of air tried sweeping you all in there.

"Quick! Form a human chain!" Alex exclaimed. You all did so.

"Wow! My plan actually worked." Alex mused.

"You mean you weren't even betting on this!?" You shouted, trying to hold onto Sam and Clovers hands.

"(Y/n)! I could totally see up your skirt!" Clover randomly cried.

"Don't look!" You blushed.

Suddenly you felt yourself getting splashed by water.

You closed your eyes, trying to not get any water into them. You felt your grip losing from Sams and before you knew it, you were all on this weird slide like journey to who knows where.

'No fair! I just changed!' You mentally cried.

In these slides yourself and girls separated but still came across one another.

"I'm all up for slides! But this is just pure terrifying!" You screamed.

You then net up in the same slide with the others.

"Okay! No body panic!" Sam tried to assure all of us.

Your eyes widen once seeing a bright light at the end of the slide.

"Is it my time angel?" You wondered.

"DON'T TALK LIKE THAT!" Alex shouted.

A red couch appeared out of nowhere and softened your landing. The four of you laid there exhausted from the ride and just blinked taking a look around.

"Woah!" Clover got up, "What is this place?"

"I have no idea. But is anyone else catching a serious alien vibe?" Alex stayed to the couch.

"I doubt it has anything to do with E.T's Alex." Sam walked towards a desk.

Well she seemed confident.

"But what ever the vibe is, it's definitely spooky." You stood up from the couch.

Clover gasp, "Wait a sec. I bet we're on some reality TV prank show!" Clover grasps Alexes shoulders.

"This is L.A after all." Clover fangirled.

Running in front of a mirror, Clover fixed herself. "I am so not camera ready."

You hopped in front of the mirror with her. "I can't be seen on TV in these clothes."

Clover glares at you.

"No offence."

Clover fixed her shirt before letting out a small laugh. She posed and looked at herself in the mirror.

You left Clover to herself and went over to Alex. She read over of what seemed like weapons.

"Cool." You smiled, taking a look at the blueprints to these weapons.

"I don't know girls. I get the feeling that this place is no joke."

Continuing to look around, you noticed the wide globes with huge W's in front around the place.

'I wonder if this is some company Bev High has undercover.' You thought.

"Woah! Check this out!" Sam awed.

In a second Clover, Alex and yourself stood next to Sam.

"Huh? What's the 911 Sammy?" Clover asks.

"Yeah. What's so exciting over a bunch of boring office supplies?" Alex joined in.

Sam held this pen and pressed a button. It triggered it to reveal this satellite thing to come out.

"Woah." You smirked.

Alex reached into the drawer of regular looking items and picked up a stapler.

She tapped at it before pressing on what you were assuming was the acivate button. Your proof? Lasers started coming out of it left and right.

Yourself and the girls all screamed and tried to avoid getting hit.

While Alex fell into the head chair, yourself, Sam and Clover hid behind the red couch and coward together.

Suddenly two future like doors opened and pink light and smoke is revealed.

Two silhouettes are seen.

Your eyes widen, "Aliens?"

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