First Impressions...

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Entering the cafeteria with your possibly new found friends you all slightly gossiped about the principal.

Before the conversation could go on three girls in a lot of purple approached you four.

"Ola newbies!" The one in center greeted in her shriekingly annoying voice. "I am Mandy, in crowd embassatries at Bev High." Herself and her girls giggled. It didn't sound at all welcoming though.

Suddenly the one called Mandy appeared behind Clover and Sam. You stood beside Clover and watched what went on.

Just who was this chick?

You thought back...

Oh yeah. The girly who got mad at you for almost knocking her over.

"I insist you let me buy you a first day touble chi at the school latte bar." She let us all away.

"Sure!" Alex chirped.

"Sounds great." Sam agrees.

"Woah! Really?" You smiled.

"Thanks." Clover thanks.

Mandy and her friends went to the machine. Mandy pressed a few buttons but you weren't really paying attention to that. You were too excited for a free latte!

"I can't believe we've only been here ten minutes and we're already in the in crowd." Clover silently squeals.

You payed back attention to the seemingly kind girl when she spoke.

"I hope you guys like EXTRA foam."

Alex speaks up excitedly, "My middle name if foam."

"In that case," Mandy switches a lever.

Looking up at the weird latte machine, you watched as it basically worked as some sort of lottery. All foams.

"Huh. Who knew I'd have better luck gambling for latte." You grinned.

But then...the machine started to make some noise.

Yourself and the girls backed away and huddled together.

Only for a little cup to show.

You all looked at each other smiling in satisfaction. You each walked towards the delicious latte that awaited.

After just a few steps, tons and I mean tons of foam came spitting out of it. You girls could hardly keep still due to its amount of pressure it had on you!You all had to run with it in order to keep from falling.

Your yelps and cries came to a stop when you smashed right into a large tree.

Mandy and her friends walked over, "Welcome to Bev High, losers. Nahahaha ha!" They strutted off.

Practically the entire school laughed at you.

'I've never been more humiliated. And I practically lived in garbage.' You thought with a defeated look.

"Okay. It's official. I'm completely humiliated." Sam spoke up.

"What are you? A mind reader?!" You shouted at her.

"Luckily we have each other." Alex smiles. She fixed herself into a proper position than being upside down. "You guys are like my total NBGF's."

"NBGF's?" Sam questioned.

"New best girl friends." Alex explained.

"Oh! I feel the same way." Clover agrees.

"So do I!" Sam sided.

You stayed silent however. You fixed yourself into a sitting position and just stared at the ground.

"(Y/n)?" Alex asks.

"What's wrong?" Sam gives you concerned eyes.

You glance at the three of them before looking down. "I'm sorry."

"For what? You didn't do anything." Clover places a hand on your shoulder.

You narrowed your eyes and barked, "Yes I did!" Once seeing their taken back expressions you backed down. "I almost knocked Mandy over today and she was pretty mad. I think the latte was her revenge." Glancing away with a light blush you gulped, "Sorry I got your first day of school ruined too."

"Don't worry about it." Alex says.

You look up at them and listen to each and everyone on them.

"If it wasn't for you I don't think we would have met like this." Alex smiles.

"Alex is right." Sam nods.

"Yeah! Like, totally." Clover cheered.

You smiled. "I guess. So then, are we...friends?"

Sam raised a fist and spoke with confidence, "Exactly! That's why I vote we stick together!"

Yourself and the other two girls cheered, "Yeah!"

Being in a group hug was the last thing you expected felt nice this once.

...until you got stuck to each other.

"Sam. When you said stick together I didn't think you meant literally." Alex tried to pull away.

You all tried to unstick, getting in weird poses while doing so, but you eventually did it.

But there was another problem at hand...

"Is anyone else's clothes wrecked?" You tugged at your sticky and wet shirt.

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