Thoughts on an Imperfect World

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Dear Daughter,

I know, just by the title, you are probably wondering what I am going to say. You know your mom, I always have something to say. The last few weeks, I have heard you on the phone late at night. I just shake my head and say ok. You wake up in a better mood than I have seen in all of your years so I accept that maybe the person you are talking to is the reason for the happiness in the morning.

I am impressed my daughter, really impressed. I know that you are both listening to the Bible. I know that you have had chats about churches and God, and beliefs. I know that when you are 15 years old, that isn't the norm but I also know that you have never been one for the "norm." I love that you are comfortable enough with someone to talk to them about the Bible, church, and the music. 

I know that you are so super excited about a dance that is coming up. You have the date, the dress, thoughts about your hair and makeup and jewelry. You have wanted to include your date's mom as much as you can, you want everything to be perfect. But, sometimes, I worry. I worry about what would happen if he changes his mind? What happens if between now and then, he would get a girlfriend? What happens if this boy that you like so much and are so excited about going to a dance with doesn't feel the same? Can you handle that? I know, you are thinking that your mom worries too much and I do. You are my heart and my soul, and you are my baby girl. 

I love you to the moon and back. I am your fiercest protector, your mom, your number one fan and probably the person who drives you the craziest. I just don't want anything to happen to you. I want you to be happy. I want you to "get the boy" that you have so many feelings for. I want you to get to have the dance with the boy, the hair, the nails, and all of the fun stuff to go with it. I don't want anyone to ruin it for you. I especially worry about your "best friend" who has been pretty determined to not let you go to the dance with "his friend." That isn't a best friend anymore, that is someone who wants to be happy for himself but doesn't want to see you happy at the same time. It is just a messed up friendship that needs some time to sort out. Most of all, I want this upcoming time to be a time when you get to think about you and you get to be happy and have fun and enjoy yourself without worrying about what that best friend thinks. 

You are so lucky that you have someone that is becoming a best friend for you, a girlfriend who wants to see you happy. She is cheering for you and her best friend to be together and can't wait to be able to see that happen. She isn't out to ruin your happiness, she isn't out to make things not work. She is there for both of you, every minute of every day. 

Take the time now to pray. Open your heart to God and ask him to guide you along. Pray with and for the young man that you like. Pray with him that God shows you the direction to go, pray for him that he is safe in all he does, that he makes good and wise decisions, and that he continues to grow closer to God. Pray for your walk with God to be closer, for you to make the right decisions, and for God to lead you on your journey, Neither of you can go wrong that way. I wish for you a young man who is willing to pray for you too. I wish for a young man who is willing to pray with you. And, I wish for a young man who is going to respect and love you for the beautiful young lady you are.

I love you,


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