Richie Tozier - You saved me

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Edited slightly: 12 - 29 - 17

I stared down the cliff into the deep blue water.

"So who's going first?" They looked at me and I stared at the boys.

"No." They smirked and started pushing me gently.

"Guys I'm serious stop it," my breathing got quicker as I stared down into the lake. I saw something there. Someone. Someone waving at me. I couldn't hear the shouting from Richie or Eddie.

And then I got pushed. It was Bev and Bill. I screamed. It was all a blur. It all seemed to be in slow motion. Hearing Richie scream something to the others. I looked down and saw a clown staring at me with a wide smile. Fear rippled through me when I realized I was gonna die. It was gonna drown me. It knew my fear.


I hit the water hard. A hand reached out and started pulling me down. As splashing appeared in different sides of me. I stared dully at the sky. Then something snapped in me. I clawed at the water trying to swim up. Kicking at the damn clown. A hand grabbed mine and pulled and I gripped.

Air filled my lungs as Richie brought me up. Tear ran down my face while I hugged him, my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"You alright doll face?" I shook my head and buried it into his shoulder. He took me to the shore. But I didn't let go.

"Richie..." he hummed, stroking my head.

"There was a clown. Like he was waiting for me in the water," I pressed my forehead against his, " I'm scared."

"I'll kill that mother fucker for scaring you. No one gets away at scaring my best friend and lives." I laid my head back on his shoulder.

Best friends.

That's all we'll ever be. Just best friends. I closed my eyes and sniffed.

"You okay?" I stayed quiet.

No I like you I can't take it anymore, I thought. Or so I thought

"Wait. What?"

"What's wrong?"

"You like me." My face paled. I got up and turned my back to him. I stayed silent for a moment.


"Shouldn't you be with the others? Go on ahead go I'll wait for you guys here." I ushered him away into the water. He watched me as I looked down at my feet before he walked away sighing.

I sat down on a rock staring at the floor.

About an hour later the boys were out of the water and Eddie was obsessing over making sure I was okay.

"Eddie! I'm fine." I got up and walked into the woods not very far off. I leaned against a tree. A branch snapped. I looked up at him.

"Richie wha-" his lips crashed against mine. He pulled back quickly.

"Sorry I-I-I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have kissed. Oh god I probably ruined our friendship and you probably hate me now and you've never had your first kiss so technically I'm your first kiss and I'm rambling again- shit," he looked down, red faced and kicked the dirt lightly.

My face is pink as well as I stared at him. He looked up. He went to speak again but I pressed my lips against his lightly, teasing him. I smirked at him.

"Thanks for saving me trashmouth," I put my hands on his chest and pressed my lips on his cheek. I pulled away from him, starting to walk back to the others, but he grabbed my forearm.

"Richie what is it?" He pulled me to his chest and kissed me pressing me up against the tree. I placed my small hands in his hair. His pulled away and moved down. His lips hovered above my neck before going up to my ear.

"Just because you're tease dollface, doesn't mean I can't tease back." I could see the smirk on him without even looking. He came back up to face me. I grabbed his glasses and ran off back to the others.

"Y/n! Come on I can't see!" He shouted trying to keep up without tripping. I stood breathing heavily. I'm lost. A pair of hands took the glasses and wrapped around me. I shrieked. I looked back at Richie.

"You scared me." He smirked and kissed my cheek hugging me.

Then we all went home, got dressed, and Richie and I spent the rest of the evening in his house.

But the certain clown followed and observed them laughing to himself, knowing that he was gonna devour them.

Finn Wolfhard/Mike Wheeler/ Richie Tozier x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now