Chapter Thirteen

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Alice had taken a day off of work and I did the same. We decided to have a girls' day out at the Stampede. It was probably the first time, in months, that I hadn't seen her in her police uniform or pyjamas. We wandered around Midway, played some games, and then got a bite to eat. We both got a slice of pizza.

"I still can't believe you would want to work here." Al said as we manoeuvred through the crowds of people. She sounded amazed.

"It isn't that bad once you get used to it." I replied. We walked down to the rodeo office and cooled off before we headed out to watch the rodeo. The office was empty when we got there. It felt eerie and unusual.

"I wonder where everyone is." I thought aloud.

"Whatever, let's just get to the rodeo." I laughed at Alice's eagerness and we made our way to the rodeo.

We were escorted to our seats. There was no wind and it was stifling outside. Alice had brought water bottles, thank god. I chugged mine before the rodeo had even started.

"And we welcome you to our final day of the rodeo, and most importantly, the Stampede! Today is Showdown Sunday, where the best-of-the-best from this week, compete for a grand total of $100,000!" we began to cheer. "Now today, we will start out with ten contestants and the four with the best score, will go to the finals!" The crowd roared as the fireworks went off and all the cowboys and cowgirls file out along the chutes. Seeing all of those cowboys made me realize that I hadn't heard from Joanne in a while. I checked my phone to make sure I hadn't missed any calls, which I didn't, and then continued to watch the opening ceremony.

"Wow, I guess I really am missing out." Alice said after the ceremony. I could only laugh.

Barrel racing had just ended and up next was bull riding. Ever since I had met Stetson, I have loved bull riding. Before they began though, I was pulled from the stands and escorted to the main stage. An older guy met me on the stage. He was wearing a tan stetson and his white hair was visible from the side of his head.

"Hey ya'll! I have a special guest for you guys! Here, standing next to me is Stetson McCord's girlfriend!" The crowd cheered. "Now Kathy, you've had a rough couple days. How are you feeling today?" He held the microphone to me. I felt confused up there. I was only on the front page of the newspaper, I'm no celebrity.

"Well..." I collected my thoughts then continued "I'm feeling good today. I decided to come out and have fun, to get off work. I came out to enjoy seeing the rodeo with my best friend."

"So, was it hard to take in?"

"Well, it was at the beginning, but, I learned to live with it. Life is a rodeo and you're always gonna have to get bucked off sometime." I smiled; because that's the only thing I could think of doing.

"Now one more thing. We heard that you took a ride on a mechanical bull the other night. What made you do it?"

"Hehe, I don't know."

"Well, it's great to know you're doing ok. Now we have a small gift for you." He smiled then we turned to look out at the field. The big screen went blank. An empty chute door opened. Well, I thought it was empty until a handsome, young man jogged out. I squinted, trying to make out the figure in the middle of the corral.

"And let's welcome back, our rookie, Stetson McCord!" He held his stetson to his chest. My jaw literally dropped. Music began to play in the background.

"Go on now." The guy said while he pushed me a little toward the corral. I ran and jumped off the stage and over the fence. Stetson had his arms out, ready to catch me.

"Stetson!" I yelled as I got closer. The music was playing very loud then. I nestled myself into Stetson's arms, carefully, and he wrapped me in a hug. I'd missed being in his arms and I was so glad to be back in them. Fireworks went off.

"Sweetheart, I missed you..." he whispered into my ear. He kissed me, in front of the whole audience. The sweetest kiss we had ever shared.

"I missed you too..." I began to cry into his chest. From the chutes, Bonnie and my dad walked toward us. When we unlocked ourselves, he put his stetson on my head and waved to the crowd. Bonnie hugged me then skipped over to hug Stetson. My dad came around and started to talk to me. He hugged me. The crowd erupted all over again. The guy that interviewed me earlier was walking over toward us, microphone in hand. After the crowd settled down he began talking to us.

"Wow, what a way to be reunited! Kathy, how are you feeling now?" I wiped away a tear.

"Wow, I never knew that this was going to happen. Thank you everyone. I have to say, I am still in shock from that." I looked over at Stetson then grabbed his hand. "As long he's fine, I am definitely fine." I laughed as I looked back at him. After I finished answering the question, he pulled me in closer to him.

"Now Stetson, you were in an accident four days ago and you're already mobile. What was the drive? "

"Well, yea I'm fine. I did take a blow to my chest but you know coming back was worth every moment. Especially to see my girl." He gave my waist a squeeze and kissed the top of my head.

"So now that you and Kathy are together again, what are your plans for the future?"

"Honestly, we haven't figured that out and right now, we are focusing on the present." Stetson answered. He kept his head held high as he responded.

"Well, thank you for your time and we will see you all tonight hopefully." Stetson laughed. We headed back behind the field. As soon as we weren't visible to the public, I hugged Stetson and kissed him.

"Gosh, I missed you!" he looked down and smiled, brushing my hair out of my face.

"Being without you while I was in the hospital...hurt way more than being trampled." He hugged me to his chest. Dad and Bonnie walked over.

One by one, cowboys and cowgirls came and congratulated Stetson about his recovery.

"Hey, can I drop my stuff off at your place?" Stetson asked.

"Yea sure, here are my keys. I should go find Alice. She took a day off of work to come here." I dangled the keys in front of Stetson as if I were going to hypnotize him. He swiped them from me and kissed my cheek.


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