fifteen {Peter's POV}

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"37 minutes? That's insane," I said, pushing myself up to my feet. "I cannot take this anymore. I gotta get out of here." All of a sudden, my phone began ringing. How did I even have service in here? "Hello?" 

"Peter? Where the hell are you? I'm back at the hotel," Arya's voice said. 

"Yeah, funny story. I ended up inside the container and I'm now inside of the Damage Control Deep Storage Vault," I said with a slight wince. 

It remained quiet for a few seconds before she responded with an exasperated, "Peter!" 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I hit my head and passed out. I had no idea where I was going," I defended. 

I heard her sigh. "Well, get your ass over here. We have a decathlon in a few hours." 

"Yeah, I'll do my best but this stupid vault won't open until morning."

"Try to hack the surveillance system. I'm sure you're smart enough to do that," she said. 

I hesitated for a second. I had not thought of that. I looked up and found an electrical box next to the door. "Okay. I'll do my best. If anyone asks where I am, you don't know," I said before ending the call.

I re-entered the container I had been in earlier and dug through the duffle bag the Vulture was planning on taking. "There's gotta be something I can use in this," I mumbled softly. I came across a round thing that didn't look familiar, so I threw it aside. I found a head of some robot thing, also not useful. I then spotted a familiar object, it was like a bigger version of the purple glowing rock, similar to the one Ned was keeping safe back in DC. 

"Hey, it's like the glowy thing," I said. 

"That glowy thing is an explosive Chitauri energy core," Karen said. 

"Woah, woah, woah, you mean we've been carrying around a bomb?" I shrieked, dropping the thing to the floor. 

"It would require radiation to transform it into its explosive state," Karen said while I was digging up my phone. I tried calling Ned, but my service was gone. 

"Shit," I cursed under my breath. I exited the container and webbed myself up the wall and began hitting my fists on it. "Hey, anyone! Get me out of here!" I shouted as loud as possible. Of course, no one responded. My eye fell on the mechanical box next to the doors and thought about what Arya had said. I could hack the surveillance system to open the doors. 

"Okay, lower the voltage," I told Karen while I hung upside down in front of the box. 


"Okay, we just gotta try every sequence," I said nervously as I kept working. 

I didn't even know how much time passed before Karen said, "Initiating trial 247."

The doors slowly slid apart. "It worked!" I cheered. I didn't hesitate to hurry through them to get out of this place. I swung myself on top of a passing truck to get me away from the vault and back to the Decathlon. 

"Karen, what's the fastest way to the decathlon?" I asked. 

"Can you tell me where it is?" she responded. 

"Right across the street from the Washington Monument." Right as I said that, Ned's voicemail started. "Ned, call me back, the glowy thing is a bomb!" I yelled. 

As I got closer and closer to my destination and the Decathlon was long finished, my phone started ringing. Ned was calling me. "Ned, you're alive!" 

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