It was me -Cupid

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To my dearest Margareth,

I’m so happy for you. You don’t know how happy I am right now.

You have no idea how happy I am to imagine your face while writing this. To imagine you smiling while writing this.

You know, I saw that guy once. He surely is the Prince Charming you’ve been dreaming of and I have to admit the jealousy that is forming in my body. That is, if I have a body.

I’d like to have a laugh while writing this since I know you will never read this. You will not be able to, especially because I already crossed the line. Crossing it a step further would cause you danger. And I don’t want that.

You said that he’s aware of your fairytales. I am too, you know. I am probably more aware than him. And I will never accuse you for being a childish lady.

For me, you are more than that.

You are Margareth. You are this beautiful and lively lady. You are passionate and innocent, just like your description of believing.

Bliss was probably when you wrote that you believe in me. When you believe in the things humans usually don’t.

You’re special, Margareth. Please don’t let that go.

Please don’t let them change your perspective about how beautiful things can be with just a little amount of belief. Please don’t let them think that they’ve won the battle when in reality, they did not.

It’s not stupid believing in us. It is what makes you special. It is what makes you communicate with me. It is what makes me see you. So please, don’t change your point of view.

And yes, it was a sign. But you misunderstood.

It was a sign for you to keep believing in me.

And no, it’s not him.

It was me.

If only I could say that to you or at least let you know.



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