20. Two Old Friends

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I took a step back, fighting back a nervous chuckle, then forced myself to stand my ground.  But Freddie still noticed. 

With a slight arch of his brow, he asked, "Are you all right?"

My words could only be interpreted as something naughty if I myself let on that was what I might have meant.  And such things were not at all what I had meant anyway, it was a pure and honest slip of the tongue. 

"Sure," I replied casually.  "You were saying?"

Freddie drew ever closer.  "Just one moment," he purred.   "Got a light?"

So asking, he stuck another cigarette between his teeth; he must have bought more earlier that day, because during dinner he had smoked more cigs than were left in the pack I had given to him, much to the discomfort of Stuart, whose hardcore beliefs in the dangers of secondhand smoke were the chief reason I had been trying so hard in the past year to quit.  I plucked a matchbook from the coffee table and almost simply handed it to him, when I thought better of it. Rather, I struck one myself- but instead of letting me light it on my own, Freddie gently seized my wrist and guided it toward his mouth, his dark eyes never leaving mine as he did so.

"Control freak," I murmured, almost too softly. 

Chuckling, Freddie inhaled, making the end glow an even brighter orange, and with an oddly attractive elegance moved the cigarette away from his lips.  Everything about him is dangerous to the health, I quipped to myself.  He even makes smoking look sexy.

"Lovely," he sighed, smoke leaving his mouth in soft grey wisps.  "Now, about the, um, sleeping arrangements tonight- I just thought I would inform you again, that the sofa is simply not an option- and neither is that big round chair of yours."

"The papasan?"

He nodded.  "Yes, whatever.  That's not going to happen again."

I folded my arms.  "Oh, really?"

"Mm."  Freddie nonchalantly strolled around me.  "It's just, it seems absolutely ridiculous to me, for you to put yourself out like that when there's a way we both can be satisfied.  You know what I mean?"

"I've certainly got a hunch," I murmured.  "But still, I'll let you tell me just what is on your mind." 

"I should think it's quite obvious, actually."  He took another drag, the smirking full lips picking up where the teasing gleam in his eyes left off.  Just like last night, there was no doubt what he was suggesting. 

I didn't mince words.  "I'm not sleeping with you, Freddie.  Sorry." 

With that, I patted his shoulder, nabbed my watered down drink, and made for the stairs as fast I could without breaking into a run.  Need to get out of here before the storm winds start a-blowing, I said silently, for Freddie surely would never let such defiance go unpunished.  But before I could cover too much ground, Freddie put his hand on my shoulder and gently turned me back around. 

"Why not?" he asked, every trace of cheek vanishing.  Much to my surprise, he didn't seem in the least bit angry; if anything, he was merely confused.

I squinted.  "Do you really need me to explain?"

"Oh, do."  He perched himself on the arm of the sofa and crossed his legs.  "This ought to be good."

I just shook my head.  "Okay, first of all-" 

"Hold on."  He held up his hand, frowning.  "Wait, you- you think this is about sex, don't you?"

I blinked.  "Well... I mean, can you blame me?"

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