A big Misunderstanding...

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"Excuse me?" Denmark's voice could be heard suddenly yelling.

Despite Denmark yelling quite often, his current outburst managed to successfully quieted down the rest of the Nordic countries that filled the room. One by one they all ended their conversations with each other and turned their attention to the Dane. Which in turn resulted in them looking at the smaller nation of Iceland, whom the Dane was staring at.

Iceland, not liking the attention, mumbled "What?" before rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms. He quickly turned away from the older nations before continuing with. "It's not that big of a deal. Denmark is just being stupid as always."

Norway and Sweden seemed pretty satisfied with that answer considering that they knew all too well of Denmark's antics. With this their curiosity of what caused the outburst quickly died down. Finland, being the caring soul that he was, still looked a little bit worried about the scene that had unfolded. However seeing that Sweden didn't care, Finland decided that he didn't want to rock the boat and made the cautious decision to keep quiet.

"Oh yeah, I'm just over exaggerating?" Denmark asked looking highly offended as he spoke. "Okay, then why don't you go ahead and repeat what you said to me, to the rest of us."Denmark challenged, causing Iceland to blush madly.

This seemed to reignite the flame of curiosity amongst the Nordics and attention was quickly drawn back to their youngest.

Iceland awkwardly shifted where he stood, running his hand across the back of his neck nervously. It was obvious to everyone that he didn't want to repeat whatever it was that he had said and to no one's surprise he tried to deflect what Denmark told him to instead.

The room went completely silent as an uncomfortable tension swept over the room. The air around them seemed to quickly become heavier as Iceland became more exasperated "Gods why does it matter what I said? Just in case you guys haven't noticed I'm an adult in human years. I can do what I want and say what I want without having to worry about what you guys think. ESPECIALLY someone like Denmark."

Before Denmark could start yelling again Finland quickly spoke up, lifting a hand to Denmark's chest as a sign for him to stay quiet. "Iceland please listen. We understand that you, in human years, are an adult but you are not human. That's like if your human child said that they are an adult in dog years. We all know that dogs live significantly less than humans. So to compare them is as ridiculous as comparing us to humans." Finland said calmly as he offered a small smile to the frustrated country in front of them.

Denmark open to the mouth to say something, though a quick look from Sweden shut him up.

"Perhaps maybe if you could just tell us what was said we could work this out much faster. Then no one's feelings would have to get hurt." Finland said trying to offer a solution. "If what you said really doesn't matter then it shouldn't be that big of a deal to repeat it. You can prove to us right here right now that Denmark is just being overdramatic, but until you can give us that proof we're going to have to go with what Denmark says."

Iceland wanted to complain about how unfair that was, however, none of the country's liked arguing with Finland. Especially considering that he was right most of the time. So instead Iceland just mumbled something under his breath, blush quickly swimming back to where it was on his cheeks before.

"What was that Icy? I don't think we could hear you. Maybe try to speak a little louder." Denmark taunted.

"God all I said was that Netherland looks like good daddy material!" Iceland yelled without thinking.

Everyone in the room seems pretty shocked, all except for Finland of course who seems more confused than anything and Denmark who looked proud of himself.

The 4 times Finland thought he understood and the 1 time he knew he did.Where stories live. Discover now