Prologue: Help Wanted

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Santalune Bank, 11PM

In the Santalune Bank, guards were observing the outskirts, looking to see if there are any burglars trying to rob them. So far, it's been a quiet night, not a single soul trying to go near the bank. The two guards who were guarding the entrance and only way in were having a stake out. As the first guard looked away, he heard a strange noise and turned to find the second guard gone. He was quite concerned and grabbed his stun gun and searched around for anyone in sight. Just then, he heard a noise and looked up only to get knocked out by the unconscious second guard falling onto him.

"Outer guards have been taken, move in" The grunt burglar said to a walkie talkie.

A few more grunts came to the bank accompanied by a feminine looking burglar with long honey-blonde hair. The burglars went in and activated their heat vision goggles to find the whole place filled with security lasers. They parkoured their way through and were able to make it to the vault. Upon entering, they were met with piles of green pieces of paper and bars of gold. The grunts went and started filling their bags with riches until the alarm went off 10 minutes later. More guards came into the vault only to get knocked out by the female burglar. The thieves ran out of the bank and back to base.

Vanville Town

Back in Vanville Town, the burglars arrived back into their base which was an abandoned bakery factory. The honey-blonde burglar removed her mask to reveal her sapphire blue eyes. A man with long black hair in a black suit came walking and looked at all the bags they received.

"A job well done Serena" He exclaimed.

"Thank you Calem" Serena replied.

"Soon, we'll be on top of the world" Calem stated while picking up a bag. Serena and Calem have been childhood friends but had a bad past, here it is.


As children, Serena and Calem were constantly abused by their parents and were bullied a lot at school. They only had each other's backs and hated their lives as nothing was good except each other. This led the two to sneak out of their homes and run away as fast as they could. After leaving Aquacorde Town and moving to Vanville Town, they started stealing from small shops and stands until they learned stealthy skills. After years of learning, they hired loads of people to help in their crime and gain a lot of riches. Every time the police showed up they would be able to get away and leave no traces behind.

Flashback End

The burglars went into their storage area and placed all the bags with the other stolen riches they owned. After another successful burglary, they all celebrated with a stolen bottle of champagne (Gosh, everything they own is stolen). However, they won't expect what is yet to come.

Lumiose Police Station

"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!" Prime Minister Diantha screamed.

"Calm down ma'am, we've tried our best to track these burglars down" Commissioner Malcolm said nervously.

"How can I calm down when these burglars have stolen from a lot of places?" Diantha questioned.

"Well, we decided to get help from the best detective in Kanto with the help of his scientific partner" Malcolm answered.

"When will he be here?" Diantha asked.

"In fact, he's already here" Malcolm said pointing behind her.

When she turned around, two figures stood behind her. One had raven black hair and chocolate brown eyes and wore a light brown hat and trench coat with grey trousers, a black tie, a white shirt and black sneakers. The other person had black hair moved to one side and frameless glasses over his green eyes. His attire consisted of a blue shirt, dark blue tie, grey trousers, a lab coat and green sneakers. These two were Detective Ash Ketchum and Dr Andrew Turing.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Detective Ketchum and this is my partner, Dr Turing" Ash greeted.

"How may we be of your assistance?" Andrew asked in an English accent.

"There has been a bunch of thieves going around and stealing riches from anywhere that has high maintenance security" Malcolm exclaimed, "We've been trying to catch them for years but failed, we need your help since you two are well known in Kanto"

"Well, I hypothesise that their next target will be the Lumiose City Museum" Ash stated.

"Come with us, we've got a solution" Andrew said motioning for the two to follow.

A few minutes later

Ash and Andrew took Diantha and Malcolm back to their place to show what they have planned. Upon entering their house, they walked straight to Andrew's laboratory where there were many kinds of machines and gadgets. One in particular was cutting carbon into a diamond shape.

"Since the Lumiose City Museum is showcasing the world's most expensive diamond, I decided on making a fake one that is as hard as the original and will look the same once I get it coloured" Andrew explained.

"How is this going to help?" Diantha questioned.

"Well, my scientific partner here will place a nano size tracking device which will take us to the thieves' location" Ash answered.

"Amazing, it will surely work" Malcolm exclaimed.

"Once we find the location, my team will help take them down" Ash informed.

"What team?" Diantha asked.

"You'll see" Andrew replied.

That night

In the Lumiose City Museum, the diamond replica was stood in the middle of the room with invisible lasers around it and guards watching. They heard a feint noise and turned, only to get knocked out by someone. That someone was Serena and she put on her heat vision goggles to seek out the lasers. She jumped through the gaps of each of them until she made it to the diamond. Serena carefully lifted the case and stole the diamond. She escaped without a trace but little did she know someone was searching.

At Ash and Andrew's place

Andrew was watching the motion tracker until he noticed that the diamond was moving. He called Ash and once they were able to locate the base, they will bring their men onto the battlefield.

'Allo governors, I hope you all enjoy this story. I would like to give a shoutout to MysticalDelphox for letting me make this story based off of hers. I will make a bunch of references in the next chapters so hopefully you'll be able to catch them. But with that being said, cheerio everyone.

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