Epilogue: Years Later

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Well, this story is coming to an end now. I really enjoyed writing this but don't threat, there will be a new story called "The Freelancers". There will be a new poll coming out soon for what could be Lillie's last name. But without further ado, let's get started.

3 years later

It has been 3 years since Ash took down Calem for good. During the trial however, Serena was questioned about her affiliations with him. She claimed that she did work as a thief under his wing but after being taken to custody, she has revaluated her intentions now. Upon giving Calem his prison sentence, Ash and Serena started dating and eventually, they became a couple. But they started a bit late due to Ash being in hospital at the time of Calem's trial. Also, because of how long he was in the hallway, the microwaves damaged his nerves so he was stuck on a wheelchair for a year. But that didn't stop him from his job and spending time with Serena.

"Gosh, I never thought walking would be this troubling" Ash exclaimed, getting up from his couch.

"Well, because of your recklessness, you have to face the consequences" Andrew said sipping his tea.

"I'm sure you'll feel better Ash" Serena stated giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, I hope so too" Ash replied, "This disability makes my job a little harder"

Just then, the phone started ringing and Andrew went to pick it up. After talking to Commissioner Malcolm, he was told that Calem had escaped prison. Ash and Serena were a bit shocked about it but Andrew didn't seemed fazed by it. He then grabbed a small machine and started looking at it. It appeared that Andrew built a motion tracking beacon and attached it to Calem. He scanned through where he could be and got very surprising results. Andrew then picked up a baseball bat and went out to the backyard.

"Where is Andrew going?" Serena asked.

"I have no idea" Ash answered.

After that, they heard a loud noise followed by a person groaning and getting knocked out. Andrew came back in dragging an unconscious Calem on the floor. Ash and Serena were confused by this until Andrew explained to them that on the tracking device, Calem coincidentally hid in one of the bushes in their backyard. The two of them couldn't stop laughing at that and Malcolm came to take Calem away yet again.

5 years later

After a year, Calem is still failing at escaping that he just gave up. That gave peace to Ash and Serena so they were able to hang out more often and peacefully. Serena now works as Ash's secretary now that President Lance has allowed him to work in Kalos. Now, they got to spend even more time. But it will all change with Ash's plan, he asked Andrew, Genji and Tracer to help him out on this one.

"A date?" Serena questioned.

"Yeah, I'd like to spend some alone time with you" Ash exclaimed.

"You seem a bit desperate for me to come" Serena pointed out.

"That's because this is important" Ash explained, "I'd really appreciate it if you do come"

Serena thought about it and decided that it would be nice spend time with her boyfriend again. Ash told her to dress nicely and meet her at the park in Lumiose Square. Upon arriving home, she changed out of her uniform and into a more casual attire and went out to Lumiose Square. She scoured around the park until she spotted Ash with his iconic raven hair giving him away from the distance. Upon walking closer towards him, she finds a neatly placed picnic blanket with many delicious food and drinks placed on it. This took Serena by surprise and was shocked at what she saw.

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