EPISODE 1 > odd

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The air was crisp and fresh as Charlotte Varga started her long and lonely trek home

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The air was crisp and fresh as Charlotte Varga started her long and lonely trek home. The Hawkins Hut diner; charlottes workplace was due for a detailed clean before inspection and the brunette drew the short straw. Usually the young girl would be ecstatic to receive more hours and more pay, however with her car in repair meaning that the girl had to endure a half an hour walk through Hawkins quiet neighborhood to reach her house. Her travels were accompanied by the occasional owl hoots and buzzing of the bugs swarming the dim streetlights. Charlotte Varga was a smart girl, top of her year all throughout her short school career and even smarter on the streets, nonetheless in a moment of exhaustion she took a right instead of a left and ended up walking down the side of Hawkins only bar. When the bars side door opened and out stumbled 3 obviously drunken men it wasn't fear that struck her body but annoyance at what she knew would unfold in the dim lit alleyway filled with 3 intoxicated idiots and possibly horney men and 1 tired 'defenseless' girl. 

Hoping to avoid such a situation the girl ticked her arms in and continued walking, taking no notice of the drunkards fumbling around in the dark. Never less the 3 men took Charlottes silence as an open invitation to grab and cat call her. 

"what's your namee sweethart" the tallest of the men asked through slurring speech as he grabbed her tan overcoat. 

"yeah babby was ya name" the others slurred incoherently. 

Charlotte didn't flinch at their steel grips or obvious intentions, she was too jaded to find this situation scary or intimidating. She roughly pulled on her trench coat making the tallest fall back and into a trashcan. Her cold gaze found the man on the floor, instantly halting him in his exclamations. "Don't be a fool, stay where you belong so you don't end up getting hurt" her steely words cut through the men's incoherent yelling but simultaneously made them screech louder. 

"you bitch" the fallen one yelled and almost animalisticly  leaped forward and grabbed her "I'm gonna fucking teach you a lesson you FUCKING whore" 

With a flurry of limbs, the three men had charlotte pinned to the damp brick wall adjacent to the bar door. The tallest leaned to her studded ear and whispered through beer stained breath "I'm gonna tear you to bits, ya hear. You're not gonna scream or I'll turn your pretty face black and blue"

With a grin the girl reared her head back and with a satisfying crunch broke the man's nose with her soon to be aching forehead. The man clutching his nose in pain fell back into the trashcans. In return the shortest of the bunch of men punched Charlotte in the jaw. 

Charlotte now with a pounding forehead and bloody mouth decided to finish this stupidity. Her hand travelled to her bag which contents consisted of 3 tampons, 1 small bottle of perfume, 1 tube of her favorite lipstick, 2 packets of Marlboro cigarettes, 1 and a half sticks of gum and 1 silver Walther PPK handgun set with 7 rounds and marked with her initials engraved into the outside of the barrel. Charlottes silent prayer for the men was interrupted by the side bar door swinging open once again. Out stumbled a seemingly tall and solid man who without noticing the alley ways occupants continued to vomit all over charlottes tall assaulter. 

The new arrival now realizing what he did asked what could be considered the most logical question at this point in time "now, what the hell are you doing in the trash" the man turned to look at charlotte and took in her bloody face and ripped coat and the two men standing of to the side "and what the fuck happened to her" 

With the moons cold gleam Charlotte recognized a police officer's badge shinning on the man's broad chest. The man did a double take of the scene and in record time the police officer sobered up enough to recognize the situation and to further place all 3 men under arrest for assault. Charlottes cold hand left the comfort of the gun and found her opened pack of cigarettes. All the while the scene unfolded in front of Charlotte she was leaning against the harsh wall one leg propped up with a half-finished cigarette dangling from her bloody mouth. Two other officers had emerged from the bar to help assist the first unknown officer. 

The men were loaded into a police cruiser and driven to the police station, charlotte looked on with amusement. 

"Are you alright mam?" A gruff voice broke the young girl from her musings and she turned to the man who she recognized as the chief of police. 

The girl threw down her finished cigarette and grinded her foot on it for good measure, she could feel the man's eyes on her so she turned to face him. "I could be better, but I'm not complaining" she told him honestly with a small smile. 

The man didn't speak for a short time before motioning to his police cruiser "I'm going to need to take you down to the station for a statement" he started to walk to his car with charlotte following close behind "after we are done I can drop you off wherever you need to be" 

Charlotte nodded and stepped into the passenger seat of the chief's car and idly tapped her fingers on the dashboard as she waited for the officer who had opened and closed her door. 

The drive to the station was quiet however the silence that filled the car was comfortable and nice for the two occupants.

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