Chapter 3

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Please forgive me I don't have any experience or really know of anything related to law so I'm adlib-ing a large percentage of the court scene :D

Sebastian stood at the courthouse with his suit neatly pressed and his hair gelled back. He looked as cool and deadly like he usually does. But inside he was freaking out.

"Hey." Kara said coming up beside him. "Nervous?"

Sebastian scoffed. "Of course not."


"It's okay to be nervous you know." Kara said. "This is the first time I had to attend a hearing with Miss Grant as a victim. I'm sure you're feeling just as nervous as Miss Grant is."

"I doubt the Queen of all Media is scared of a little publicity, Kara." Sebastian said offhandedly. "And I am not nervous."

"Then why have you been playing with the edge of your cufflink since you got here?"

Sebastian immediately stopped the action and sighed. He gave a cheeky grin to Kara. "Why how observant of you Miss Danvers."

"Thank you." She said. "Don't worry too much I think with the media covered event of what happened between Miss Grant, Livewire and Silver Banshee the evidence would speak for itself."

"That's not what I am afraid of." Sebastian said glancing nervously at the door where the accused were meeting with their lawyers.

"Hey." Kara said comfortably placing a hand on his shoulder. "You've got this. I don't believe that the best and youngest lawyer in one of the top Law firms would be intimidated at a case as clean cut as this."

Sebastian shook the feeling off and gave Kara a confident smirk. "Of course not."

Though deep inside he was quivering in fear.

The doors opened wide and they were all guided inside.

"Kera." Cat said. "Go back to the office you are not needed here. Phones are not going to handle themselves."

"Are you sure?" Kara asked looking at Cat with concern.

"I believe Mr. Smythe has this." Cat said with a look towards Sebastian and entered the courtroom with her usual aura of power.

The court was in session Cat Grant sat beside the young millennial lawyer on one side of the courtroom while another young lawyer sat on the other table while waiting for his client to be brought into the courtroom.

The second lawyer in the room had aristocratic features and dark brown hair. What stood out most above his freshly pressed and visually expensive suit were his sharp and unforgiving green eyes.

Leslie Willis and Siobhan Smythe were both brought in wearing unattractive orange jumpsuits and glowing a light green hue. Sebastian hoped that these would dampen whatever powers both women seem to posses.

Leslie had a feral look in her eyes as they set on Cat Grant. She struggled greatly at the person who was holding her still. Her silver hair tangled and her eyes set on Cat like a predator who was starving and kept from its prey. Siobhan had a blank stare through the whole ordeal. She didn't resist the restraints but she didn't comply like a guilty prisoner.

Sebastian couldn't help stare as they were brought in. She wasn't the fierce person as he remembered with her hair messed up instead of the usual callous exterior.

He shook out of the reverie as the judge banged his gavel reminding him of his old Warbler days.


"Sebastian A Smythe, Esq. representing Catherine Grant, your honor."

The other lawyer stood as well. "Spencer S. Smythe, LL.M. for Leslie Willis and Siobhan Smythe, your honor."

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