Chapter Two

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Severus Snape apparates directly in front of the Hogwarts gates with a loud crack. Near sprinting through the corridors, he doesn't even truly realize he's left knocked over students in his wake. "I must give news to the order immediately... this could be disastrous should Voldemort succeed." Professor Snape worries. As he rounds the final corner he comes face to face with the man he was looking for.

Albus dumbledore without so much as a word waves Severus to the headmasters office.

"I trust you bring urgent news Severus. I can't recall many times seeing you in such a turbulent state." Dumbledore drawled.

"Voldemort has come across an ancient prophecy that gives him a map to become master of death... it's extremely dark magic he's dabbling into again Albus. And it involves Miss Granger. He has plans to kidnap her. Tonight!" The potions professor pants out.

" Miss Granger? Whatever for? Severus I need more detail... What does he plan on using Hermione for? To bait Harry?" Dumbledore's mind reaches towards the darker aspects. A sacrifice of  his enemies closest friend, or lover perhaps could have some significance. " How exactly does he plan on achieving the title of Master of Death?" He immediately recalls the Deathly Hallows and absentmindedly twirls what he knows to be the elder wand.

" Hermione Granger is a descendant of the Sayres."

With that, Dumbledore immediately freezes. Not a single sound is heard in the room. Even Fawkes doesn't dare to ruffle its feathers.

" Retrieve Hermione immediately Severus. I am aware of the exact prophecy you speak of. Alert no one else, not even the boy." Dumbledore's demeanor evolves into a darkness that feels like it compresses the room.

Dumbledore had discovered the prophecy long ago. He thought he had resolved the threat when he poisoned who he thought was the last Sayre heir. He reasoned that the Sayre heir was a necessary sacrifice. A lost cause due to his loyalty to Grindelwald. Thus his death was for the greater good. He had a harder time reconciling the termination of the girl though. If he were to blame her death on Voldemort, it could give the boy more reason to fight. It would force him to grow up. It's a pity that both must die. He pondered. The light must prevail, at any cost.

Professor Snape's cloak fans out when he turns and leaves of the room without another word. He casts a silencing spell and a muffliato around Grangers bed. He moves to wake the sleeping Gryffindor when an ear piercing screech is heard, but only by him. Oh.. and apparently also by Miss Granger as she is standing directly in front of him, wand trained at his nose. "Leave it to her to have erected wards" he thinks, sneering aloud.

" And what do you think you're doing here?! Casting a silencing charm, AND a Muffliato?! I always knew you were a slimy, good for nothing little vermin! Professor, were you going to..? To.."

Severus had heard enough and didn't want to entertain her insipid imagination and temper any longer. With a non-verbal incarcerous, Hermione fell to the ground with her hands and wand stiffly bound to her sides. Snape heard the loud thunder of Hogwarts wards being attacked. Then a scream sounded from somewhere in
the castle. "Lucius has clearly found his way around then." He grimaced. Not wanting to wasted anymore time, Snape levitated Hermione off the ground, she was still bubbling in anger. Now bombarding him with both muggle and wizarding profanity. Insulting his intelligence and loyalty. The girls wand fell to the ground as he rounded the corner so they could transport via floo powder to the headmasters office. He picked up her wand and moved to place it back in her hand. His thumb inadvertently brushing hers. As soon as he made physical contact with the her he felt the two dimensional snake strike his arm, followed by an inward tug in his abdomen. Then, blackness.

Hermione felt a sharp pain in her head, and could see red light dancing somewhere around through her eyelids. She groaned. Trying to remember what had happened.. "Professor Snape setting off her wards... and oh that git! He casted an incarcerous on me!" She recalled angrily. She rubbed her eyelids trying to get her body to function properly. Suddenly the hair on the back of her neck stood straight up and a sharp chill ran through her body. "It's silent.." she cautiously thought. Upon opening her eyes she wish she never had. The vision in front of her was just too horrific to process. Voldemort in all his Serpent like glory lazily draped on his throne, and a bloody and broken Professor Snape laying a few meters away from her.

"It's about time you rise my little Gryffindor Princess... I've been awaiting your arrival most impatiently you see." The Dark Lord hissed.

Voldemort lifted himself from his throne and gracefully walked towards her in a way that almost looked like he floated an inch or two off the ground. Had Hermione not been so terrified she would have been captivated by that alone. Hermione leapt up quickly, patting her body for her wand. For anything that she might use as a weapon. Fear wracked her system. She was in the presence of the man who's been trying to kill her and her friends for the past five years.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves dear... it was merely your boyfriend I've been trying to dispose of. Not the Weasley filth or yourself. You simply always managed to put yourself in the way. Funny though... the answer to all my problems has been right in front of me, and I was too distracted with Harry to even realize it..." Voldemort said casually, like this was a typical conversation and they were both sitting down to have tea.

" I won't allow you to use me to get to Harry, I won't! If that's your plan you better just kill me now you evil and demented man! And, and... Harry is NOT my boyfriend!" Hermione bellowed with all the hatred she could muster.

"Tsk tsk... I think we will have a few issues to work out won't we Lucius? Tell me, how do you and Narcissa work out your troubles? Miss Granger, I am delighted that you have made your relationship status clear to everyone. It would have wounded me to see you break little Harry's heart if you had to tell him you belong to another." He teased, holding his heart and giving Hermione a sarcastic look of empathy.

The look on Hermione's face was of utter confusion. He could see the gears turning in her head, feel the emotions bombarding her, and using light legilimency her he could see her surface thoughts of what he desired from her. She knew he was rubbing salt in a wound that she was not yet aware of. "Just pull the damned band-aid off already! she mentally screamed.
With that, Voldemort deciding he was done playing games... for now at least..

"My dear little Gryffindor, I have a deal for you that you would be hard-pressed to refuse. I will spare Mr. Potter, if you would merely cooperate with me. I'll even forego killing your other little pals so long as they do not attack me first. I would like to offer you a partnership of sorts... There's a better word for it... I know it, its at the tip of my tongue!" Voldemort stroked the sides of his pail chin. "Ah, yes! A proposal! Hermione Jean Granger, in exchange for your friends life, I would like your hand in marriage."

For the second time that day, blackness overcame Hermione, and all consciousness lost to her. The last image in her mind was a jovial Dark Lord chuckling at what seemed to be her. She felt herself falling but the thud of her body hitting the black marble of the throne room was never heard.

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