Muffin's Kitten

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Tarja awoke to someone slipping under the covers next to her. She rolled over with a sleepy smile and wrapped her arm around Floor's waist.

"Hey, sweety." Floor rolled over to face her and pulled her close, wrapping her arms around Tarja's body. Tarja smiled happily and cuddled closer to Floor, tucking her head under the taller woman's chin.

"I missed you," Floor murmured, kissing her black hair.

"I missed you too," Tarja replied, tilting her head up to kiss Floor's lips. Floor sighed contentedly and settled down into the pillows, Tarja's head resting on her chest. "How was the show?"

"It was awesome," Floor said. "How was yours?"

"Great, the crowd was really excited, and everything went perfectly. It seemed like everybody had a great time," Tarja replied.

"That's good," Floor said. "I'm sorry I didn't get to see it. I'm sure you were amazing." Tarja giggled.

"That's what you always say."

"Because it's always true," Floor said, lightly poking her nose. "My kitten's always awesome." Tarja rolled her eyes.

"And my muffin is a big dork." Floor pouted at her.

"You hurt my feelings, goodnight." She pushed Tarja off of her, rolled over, and made a snoring noise like she was asleep. Tarja poked her.

"You don't snore." Floor didn't respond except by snoring a little quieter. Fighting giggles, Tarja sat up. She pulled the blankets off of Floor, expecting Floor to get mad and pull them back up. But Floor continued "sleeping." Tarja draped herself across Floor and began tracing the edge of her owl tattoo with a fingertip. Floor didn't stir. Frustrated, Tarja thought of something that would work for sure. She sat up, crawled down to the end of the bed, and began tickling Floor's feet. Floor shifted her feet, but continued pretending to sleep. Tarja climbed on her legs to hold them still and tickled her feet some more. Floor squirmed and made an unsuccessful attempt to smother her giggles. Grinning triumphantly, Tarja pounced on her. She cuddled up close to her, wrapping her arms and legs around Floor's body. Floor dumped her off and rolled back over, once more pretending to sleep. But Tarja simply pounced again and hung on tighter. "Muffin, muffin, muffin, muffin, muffin," she said, kissing Floor's nose with each "muffin." Floor's mouth twitched, but she didn't open her eyes. "Come on, open those beautiful eyes and look at me," Tarja begged. Floor opened one eye, looked at her suspiciously, and closed it again. Tarja sighed and flopped down on top of her, making Floor yelp and sit up.

"Okay, I'm awake, now what is it?" she demanded. Tarja blinked her huge green eyes at her girlfriend and said,


"Are you serious?" Floor said. "You're a cat now?" Tarja nuzzled her neck and made a purring sound, trying not to giggle. Floor petted her head, her fingers playing with the long black strands of hair. Tarja closed her eyes and leaned her head on Floor's chest, still purring. "And she calls me a dork," Floor said to herself, still petting Tarja. She lay back down. "Well, goodnight, kitten."

"Meow," Tarja said again, nuzzling Floor's neck.

"What?" Floor asked. Tarja kissed her chin, and Floor smiled. "Oh, I know." She kissed Tarja's forehead. Tarja smiled and kissed her lips. "Cats don't do that," Floor said, biting her lip to keep from laughing at Kitten-Tarja.

"This one does," Tarja answered, laying her head on Floor's chest once more. Floor rolled her eyes.

"You little goof," she said lovingly, petting Tarja's head again. Tarja closed her eyes, a happy smile on her face. "Goodnight, sweety," Floor said, kissing the top of Tarja's head.

"Goodnight," Tarja murmured, before drifting off to sleep, warm and safe in her love's arms.

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