I DIdn't Know.!!

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I leaned down and gave him a warm hug. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Kyla stop you playing games.?" He said holding my waist.

"What games."

"You know I want you and you playing." he said letting his thumb rub across my lips. I blushed cause it's been a minute since I've been touched like that.

" Carlin I lo...like you alot." I said damn near caught myself slipipng. " Shit I want you bad as hell too but I dont think a relationship is what I need right now. I dont want nothing like what's been going on over the past few months to happen again. Next time I might loose my brother and I'm dont wanna see Aerial go through what i did. Cause honestly that sh-"

I was cut off by the warmth of Carlins lips. HIS LIPS WERE SOFT AS HELL!!!!!!!!!! I broke the kiss and he smiled at me.

"That what you just expalined will never happen. Why? For one I'm not a fuck nigga who would sleep with their girl bestfriend cause they feel like it or some shit. For two, If that shit was to happen and you slept with my bestfriend. I wouldn't try to kill you because cause Nicole will. For three. I have too much at home to try and loose to some little groupie ass hoe" he said. " Liyah needs to know what a woman should be treated like."

I smiled and brought my lips to his again. " Carlin, I dont want a relationship yet because, I feel like i keep rushing it and then i end up getting hurt. I'm tired of getting hurt. "

" Babygirl I promise I wont hurt you I'm different from Chris and Dre. My intentions are totally different from theirs. They just wanted to get with you cause the image looked good. It's way deeper than that with me.  " he said." You are special Kyla and I'm tired of watching you get hurt and you going from nigga to nigga. You ever heard that saying If you dont like when other people do it then do it yourself? Well that's what I'm tryna do cause these niggas not tryna love you the way you should be loved! But if you not ready for a relationship , I'll respect it but I'll wait untill you are ready." he said grabbing my hands. I starred in his eyes to see if he was lying and something was telling me that everything he was saying was real.

"Carlin I'm scarred" I whispered "Especially with you being Liyah's daddy in all."

"If it dont work I'ma still take care of mine , you aint gotta worry about all of that! "he said. i looked at him and ran my fingers through his hair. He looked at me and turned his nose up.

" Why you touching my hair, getting all distracted and shit." he said

"Cause , It's soft. and I want to know what if feels like to run my fingers through my man hair." I smiled. He smirked and sat me directly on his lap.

" So you my mine now.?" He asked.

"uh Yeah." I smiled. He smiled and i bent down and we shared a passionate kiss. Something in my gut was letting me know that I was making the right decision.

Brandon POV

Sierra and Aerial loved the house I got next door to my sister. Aerial been sliding down the steps and Sierra was constally talking non stop about cooking in the big ass kitchen. I was sitting at the bar zoning in and out listening to her talk about different foods.

" Brandon are you even listening to me?" she semi yelled.

" oh yeah bae! I heard you It sound good." I said standing up. " You need to stop worrying about the food and start tryna focus on our wedding." I said walking behind her. and kissing her neck.

"I know baby , I'ma do it with the girls probally one day next week." she said wrapping her arms around me. i looked at her and smiled.

"I love you Sierra Williams" i smiled.

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