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"Who do you think you  are?" I heard loud yelling from my father.  This wasn't uncommonly for  our so called 'family'. Dad would come home  drunk and vented all on mom  and me.

A loud strike vibrated the walls of the house. He hit her, again. Mom was crying and he yelled at her unmercifully.

"Of  course you don't  know. I'll tell you. You are nothing but a whore,  unuseful slut..." It  hurted to hear those words although they weren't  intended to me. My  mother was the only persone who actually listened to  me. A few drops of  tears accidentally slipped from my cheeks.

"Nick, please..." mom begged.

"Here!" he said trowing some papers next to her. She looked at them sweeping her tears.

"You  are all doing it  because of her, aren't you? For some woman that  destroyed our family and  marrige?" dad looked at her like he is about  to hit her again, but he  didn't.

"Sign it!" he commanded. Mom took a pen from the table and started to write while her hand was shaking.

"Here" she said giving him the papers. "Let me at least take her with me?!"

"Get  out of here and  don't ever come back." he replayed whit his hand  showing the door. She  bent her head and walked to the door. She took a  one last look at me and  walked out of the door forever.

That was  the last time I  saw my mom. Without a hug or a goodbye. She didn't call  or write. The  only person I ever trusted. She left without return. Who  will save me  from dad now?

Only a few days later, dads new wife Zoella and her daughter Bianca and son Kyle moved in with us.

"And this is the maid?"Zoella asked pointing her finger at me.

"No,this  is,  unfortunately, my daughter."he said embarrassingly. Am I that bad  that  my father would be ashamed of me? I bent my head and started  walking to  my room, but dads strident voice stopped me.

"Where do  you think you are going? Take their bags to the rooms." I took their  bags and took them to the rooms. Zoella's son started walking behind me  and at the second floor he stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Don't worry, my mom is a bitch and so is my sister. But I got your back." and he hugged me.

At that time I didn't know what that means. I was really young back then. A 10 year old boy who is supposed to hate me, doesn't?

8 years later

I  just finished school for this week and was about to go home. A male  voice stopped me and I turned around happy to see one of the only  persons I trust.


"Going home?" he asked joyfully.

"Where  else. It's my prison." I sighted. He smiled a little bit and put his  hand around my shoulder as we both walked home together.

Kyle  knows everything from my life and so do I from his. We really bonded  over last few years that I think of him like my real brother. He helped  me trough all the family drama and he was always there for me.

Kyle  keeps a good relationship with our family or at least they think so.  They don't hate him like they hate me, but he hates them. From the day I  met him he hated my dad and even his stupid sister and mom. I know that  it's weird to hate his mom, but he said that she turned into money  obsessed monster after she married my dad.


So the weekend flew my really fast.  I heard someone coming into my room, but I was to much tired to look who it was.

"Wake  up, you're gonna be late for school." as I heard that, I jumped out of  the bed and took my phone to see the time. It was currently Monday, 6:30  am. My stupid stepbrother messed with my head. I looked at him clearly  pissed of, but he did nothing except laughing.

"You should've seen your face, it was hilarious." he was laughing like an idiot.

"God, I hate you." I exclaimed.

"I  know you love me." he smiled and I gave him the sarcastic smile which  made him laugh even more. I lied on bed and he lied next to me.

"Can  I ask you something?" I asked really curiously. This is probably the  only question I never asked him and I don't know why. He turned his head  to face me. He looked me directly into my eyes.

"You know you always can." he gave me a small smile.

"Why didn't you left this house after turning 18?"

"To take care of you, of course." he smiled.

"No, Kyle, I mean it. And by the way I can take care of myself."

"I'm  dead serious. I know how they all treat you and I can't bare the  thought of leaving you all alone in this madness." he said and looked  back at the ceiling.

"Thank you." I simply replied and hugged him. He broke the hug after a solid 2 minutes.

"Okay, so enough of this cheesy sister-brother love. Let's go to school." he said while getting up from the bed.

"I  need to get ready first, you know." I said showing my outfit with my  hands. I was in his t.shirt that I stole from his cause you know it's  way more comfy than my shirts.

"You have 20 minutes."

"Ay, ay, captain." I moved my hand from my forehead trough air. You know, like that thing they do in pirate movies.

So, let's skip that boring ride and everything.

I  was currently in my classroom waiting for the professor to come. In  that moment a well know guy entered the classroom and it was like in the  movies. Those slow motion scenes. Everyone stopped and looked at him. I  mean them.

Haze West.

Schools bad  boy. Every school has one, but this one was not ordinary at all.  Everyone knew Haze West. He always got away with everything. He was a  real meaning of a bad boy. Although, he was handsome. I mean, girl would  be blind not to notice it. But I didn't like all that ego and all of  that.

After few minutes he took his seat and no one was looking and him anymore cause you would be stupid to do that.


"Are you sure you can do it?" I overheard Liam, aka Haze's friend ask him.

"Completely sure."he gave him that perv look.

"So, 3 months?" Liam asked him.

"That  should be enough." he replied. I really wonder what were they talking  about. "That girl?" he asked and I saw his finger pointing somewhere in  my direction. I looked at them and the worst thing possible happened.  Our eyes locked.

Noora Adams, you just broke the most important rule in this school and that is: --Never look Haze West in the eyes.--

I'm doomed.


So  there it is, my  first book and chapter. I hope you all like it. And  yeah I know there  are probably many mistakes but I am actually Croatian  so don't judge me.

Please feel free to correct me in the comments and I will try to do my best for you guys.

By my loves...... see you soon..

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