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"Where are we going?" I asked him nicely.

"You'll see." he simply said while he looked at me for a few seconds before looking back to the rode.

We were driving for a while before stopping in front of his house. I looked at him really confused.

"I told you I'm not coming with you." I said pretty pissed of. He looked at me and smiled.

"Don't worry. Didn't came for that." again that smile. Could he at least be a little more subtle with those smiles?!

He got out of the car and opened the passengers doors. I hopped out of the car and we went in his house.

As we came up, he offered me a drink, but I didn't take it. I wasn't afraid that he put something in it, I just wasn't in the mood for alcohol. He took his drink and leaned to the kitchen island. He looked at me before speaking.

"You know, your brother is coming here tonight." my eyes widened. Why would he come here tonight?

"Why?" I asked simply trying to look like I don't care.

"We have some business to do." he was calm. Maybe too calm if you ask me.

"Then why did you brought me here?" I asked.

"So he can see that I'm not joking around with that deal." I rolled my eyes and I rolled them so hard that I thing he could hear them rolling. He laughed. I went to those huge windows and saw a beautiful view of the city. The night sky and the stars shining really made this night a beautiful one.

I heard knocking at the doors and looked at Haze. He just smiled and went to open the doors. As he opened them I saw Kyle coming in. At first he didn't notice me. He walked in and his eyes locked at me. His eyes widened seeing me standing here in Haze's house. In his enemy's house.

I gave him a small smile in fear of his reaction. He just looked away and sat down on the sofa with Haze following him.

"What is she doing here?" Kyle asked Haze and he just smiled provoking. Haze, you are making this situation way more worse than it actually is.

"Can't I hang out with your sister?" he asked, but it was more like a rhetorical question.

"That wasn't the deal." Kyle said angry. He looked at me for a second then back at Haze. Kyle was really angry and Haze was provoking and smiling.

"Chill dude. I'm not gonna rape her." he looked at me and checked me out from head to toe with a perverted smile.

Kyle was now really pissed of. I could see that in his eyes. He was capable to kill him right now, but he held back because of me.

"I don't know that. Let's go Noora." he said standing up from the sofa and walking to the door. I walked to him. We were just about to close the doors when we heard Haze talking.

"See you tomorrow in class, Noora." I could tell that he did it on purpose. Kyle was pissed. He was walking really fast and I was running behind him.

"Kyle, stop!" I yelled after him. He didn't listen to me, he just continued walking/running. At this point we were already outside. I ran after him, grabbed him by his shoulder and turned around to face me.

"What?" he yelled straight to my face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled.

"Me? You are asking what's wrong with me? Are you serious right now?" I looked at him with question marks above my head.

"What did I do wrong if I may ask?" I asked sarcastically.

"You know how dangerous he is and still I found you in his house. Why?" he was calm now. More so, he looked really worried.

"He won't hurt me." I simply replied.

"How can you be so sure?" he asked like he knew something that I don't. Well, he probably does, but I don't want to hear about it. I don't like when people try to turn me against someone cause I don't like judging a book by its covers. Everyone can say that Haze is a bad guy and everything and won't say he's not, but I won't say he is either.

"I can take care of myself and you are well aware of that." I stated and walked to his car leaving him standing there. He came after me and drove me home.

The whole ride was silent and kinda unpleasant. For the first time ever. We always had a topic to talk about or at least argue or anything, but we never kept quiet like this. From that I know that he is really mad.

We came home after about 15 minutes of 'hell ride'. Yes, 'hell ride' because, well, it was hell.

As we got into the house, he just ran to his room not even looking back. He slammed the door and I could hear it from downstairs.

Thank God no one was home, besides us of course. I went to his room to clear things between us because I can't loose him too. I knocked on the door, but it was locked. I called him, but he didn't answer. After few minutes of repeating it, I gave up.

I was in my room sitting on the bed and doing some homework when I heard a really loud noise from outside. I stood up and looked through the window just to see Kyle and his friends fighting with a bunch of guys I've never seen before. It looked really serious so I ran outside.

I wanted to stop them, but I would never be able to do that. I mean one tinny little girl like me trying to stop ten tall muscular gang members. Yeah right, in what universe?! So, instead of coming in between, I tried yelling.

"Kyle!" I yelled the first time. Nothing. "Kyle!" I yelled again, but nothing. Just after like ten times I yelled Kyle reacted.

"What are you doing here, are you trying to get killed?" he asked rhetorically. It was more like yelled, but whatever. He pushed me away from them and continued fighting.

Am I invisible or something?

I was watching them fight and I felt terrible because I couldn't do anything. As I turned around to go in the house and not watch that shit anymore, I felt a hard punch on my side (ribs). I fell to the ground and I was in such a pain that I wasn't even able to move. I tried to get up, but it was useless. I don't even know who punched me or why. All I knew was that no on can hear me or see me lying on the ground so helpless.

I could feel a small tear dropping from my cheek to the ground. Why did I even try to help when all I do is make things worse then they were before.

"Noora!" I heard a loud male voice yelling. Then I heard someone running towards me and only god knows how happy I was that someone noticed me. "Noora, what happened?" it was Kyle. He helped my sit up on the floor. He sat next to me ignoring all the fights around us and looked deeply into my eyes. "Are you okay?" more questions. My ribs hurt so much that I wasn't even able to come up with a simple yes or no.

"I'm not okay." I spoke after a while with a tears in my eyes. He didn't take his eyes off of me for a split second.

"Does it hurt anywhere?" he asked again. I just nodded closing my eyes. "Where?" I pointed at my ribs and he gently moved his fingers there (it sounds weird, but I swear it's not).

I slightly lifted my shirt to see if my ribs were blue and they were. A giant purple/blue/yellow bruise was showing and it looked so terrible.

I was interrupted by a well - known car. It was my dad.

What the hell?

He wasn't supposed to be home till tomorrow and now he'll come home and see all the guys fighting in front of his house. And lets not forget, he'll think it's all my fault.

Kyle saw trepidation in my eyes and looked behind him. Dad was almost running towards us and we could clearly saw his pissed off face. He looked so mad. Kyle turned to face me and tried to tell me something before dad came, but I felt a strong arm pulling me from the ground violently and my eyes started watering.

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