Chapter Einn

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Hey fellow wattpadians (I don't know just go with it) this is my first story ever so go easy on me. I would love to know any mistakes I have made so can you tell me in the comments, I would appreciate it. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!


Dylan's POV

Invisible. That is a word most people would describe me as. Nobody pays attention to the nerdy, scrawny kid with glasses. Why would they? I mean it would "hurt" thier reputation, right? Except for those who don't have one like me and my two best friends, Laura and Crystal.

My name is Dylan Casceras. I am 15. I have a younger sister,Monica,who is 14. We live in Wilson, Texas. There is only one elementary school, one junior high, and of coarse one high school.

A few years back a girl and her family moved here. It was a big deal here in Wilson. It is not everyday that somebody moves here. Her name is Julia. She has flowing red-brown waist length hair and hazel-green eyes, with her straight nose and soft pink lips you could barely describe her as pretty. She is beautiful. Almost immediately she became the popular girl with every guy wanting to get with her. I remember Laura's' and Crystal's reactions very clearly the first time they her.


We were eating lunch in the courtyard when the principal called me to the office. "What did you do this time, Dylan?" asked Crystal."You perfectly know I didn't do anything!" I exclaimed."well you better hurry I don't think you want to keep the principal waiting" Laura pointed out.  " See you guys later" I yelled over my shoulder as I ran out of the courtyard to the principles office.

I gently knocked on the principles door."Come in" a deep voice, that belonged to my principle, said. I pushed the door open. What I saw made my eyes grow big as saucers. There was a girl that I have never seen before. She was very pretty so that naturally made me nervous." You w...w...wanted to see me, sir" I stuttered."Yes, please take a seat" Mr.Pillar said. I took a seat next to the girl." Ummm sir what did you want me for?" I asked. I didn't mean to come off as rude but he did interrupt my lunch.

"Yes yes well this here is Julia Martinez she recently moved here from......" He didn't go on obviously waiting for her to say where she moved from." I moved here from California, sir" she whispered timidly. "Well Dylan I want you to give Miss.Julia here a tour of our school and she is going to all of your classes until we sort out her schedule." He then turned to Julia and he softly said,"You are going to follow this young man here and don't worry he is nice and he third in your class, so I wouldn't worry about him o.k. and if he does bother, annoy, or is rude in anyway come tell me o.k."

After that he dismissed us and told not to worry, again." right now we are having lunch so do have y...y...your lunch o..o..or are you going to buy but if don't have either I c...c...could you some of mine, I still have a PB&J sandwich if you want it.....I also have PB cracke-" I never finished my rambling because she cut me of when she put her hand on my arm."It's o.k. I brought my lunch, but thanks anyway" she told me softly and she removed her hand. She left my arm tingling with electricity. After that we walked in silence until we got to the courtyard. We walked in all talk became silent and all heads turned to us. I have never had so much attention paid to me. Oh its not for me, but for Julia."Come on" I said gruffly and pulled her towards my table. All eyes followed us as we made our way to the corner.

"Hey gals this is Julia, Julia this is Laura and this is Crystal" I pointed at them as I introduced them."Hey" that is the only thing I got out of Crystal."Hello nice to meet you" she said with a curios look on her face as she extended her hands towards her. Julia timidly shook her hand."So where are you from?" Crystal asked coldly. "I'm from's a small town so I wouldn't expect you to know it" she uttered."Try me" Laura and Crystal challenged at the same time. Oh my whenever they say stuff at the same time it is never good. "The name is Bowles, California." she whispered. "Can you speak up, please?" Laura asked nicely. "I moved here from Bowles" she practically yelled for her standards."oh umm....nope never heard of it" she sounded disappointed. I looked over at Crystal who hadn't said anything. She looked in deep thought. Whenever she looked that I knew not to bother her.

All of a sudden the bell the bell sounded signally the end of lunch. The rest of the day was spent with me introducing her and showing her all the classes. Finally the bell sounded for us to go home. I bid goodbye to Julia and went over to my mom's car. "So how was your day?" she asked but I knew she was really asking 'who was that'. "It was fine" I bluntly said not giving her the satisfactory answer. My mom huffed in defiance, " What I meant was, who was that?" " she is a new kid, her name is Julia" I could practically feel the smirk my mom had her face and sure enough when I looked over she had that all-knowing smirk on her face.

As soon as I got home I gave my stuff to Henry and went to my room.I knew my peace and quiet wouldn't last because Laura and Crystal always come over. As soon as I thought of that, Henry knocked on my door and asked, "Sir your friends Laura and Crystal are here do I let them in?" "Yes Henry let them pass" I commanded. As soon as the door door opened Laura and Crystal came in. " I will  never get over the fact the you have a personal butler or that i am friends with someone who has a mansion it's like whoa mind blowing" breathed Laura. I knew why they came, it was kinda obvious. " So what did you think of the new girl?" Crystal questioned. "Well I thought she was pretty nice don't y'all?" Laura stated. "Yeah she was pretty nice and shy." she agreed. " What about you Crystal?"  I asked. "Yeah she is nice now but she will get popular and turn into a bitch." 

~End of Flashback~

I was brought out of my thought when someone bumped into me. "Sorry dude didn't see you there" he apologized. "Don't worry nobody ever does." I sighed. The first day of high school turned out better than I thought. Now to get done with the year. This is going to be so much fun.


So what did you think? This chapter is only the intro to most of the characters. I will upload whenever I have a chance, but you are lucky I have no life. I want you guys to choose a cast for the book that you fits your mental image, please I would appreciate it. Well see ya. Now that is it wattpadians until next time.

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