Chapter Trois

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Hey wattpadians! Sorry I know I didn't upadate yesterday but since I had no school on Monday I decided to take advantage of that so here is the next chapter! I hope you like it


Dylan's POV

"We need to talk"my dad said removing his arm. "umm... ok why do you have to be so dramatic. It's like I'm in a soap opera or you are about to kill me."I mumbled. He led me to his office. He walked round his desk to sit in this big, very comfortable chair. While I sat in this small, hard chair.

We just sat there in silence for awhile before I broke it by asking "what do you want to talk about?"

Robert's POV (Dylans' Dad)

"What do you want to talk about?" Dylan asked. I have no idea how to tell him. Do you I just blurt it out or do I lead him towards it and let him figure it out? I decided to do both. I will lead him towards it then I will say it."Well you see do I say this?" I questioned, rubbing the back of my neck. "Oh will you just blurt it out already" snapped Dylan. "Alright, alright how much do you know about werewolfs?"

Dylan POV

Ok what the hell was he talking about?A bit is all I could answer him."Ok well umm...our family business isn't much of a business it's more like running a pack" he stated."We meaning your mom and I and now you, we're werewolfs...and I'm the alpha." he said so clam like he didn't just say something that would change my life forever. "So does that mean I will be an alpha, too?" I asked hoarsely. I cleared my throat and asked again. He thought a moment before saying, "Yes, when the time comes."

He sent me to my room after our talk. He said I would need my rest for 'training'. Whatever that meant.


I know, I know this chapter is short. Sorry but I had to write this on my phone and my phone is getting on my nerves. chapter is going to be next, next Sunday because next Sunday I'm going to Mexico for my cousins wedding. So until next time Wattpadians!


So I decided to write more because my friend almost kicked my butt for posting such a short chappie. So in order for me to be able to sit again here is the next chapter.


Dylans POV

~Next day~

"wake up!" "Wake up!" "GOD DAMN IT DYLAN IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP RIGHT NOW I WILL POUR ICE COLD WATER ON YOU, SEE IF YOU WAKE UP THEN!" yelled someone to close to my ear. "Alright, alright I'm up," I slurred out. Even when I said I still had my eyes closed. Then I hear the person, which I think was my dad, walk out. Right when I hear my door slam I turn and snuggle in my blanket again. The next I know is that I'm choking on water and that I'm extremely cold. Now fully awake, I look around and see my dad looking smug. "I warned ya didn't I but no you just had to fall asleep again"my dad all but squealed. "Why do I have too get up?" I asked. "Remember dumbass you have training today," He said in a duh tone. "Oh right so today is my death and by the way I want white roses at my funeral and I want my casket to be made out of oak ok"I said sarcastically. That statement bought me a blow to the back of my head. "That's enough of that smartass and get ready"my dad yelled over his shoulder as he closed the door. I quickly took a shower and put on pair of basketball shorts, just a pair, I don't like the feeling and look a shirt that plastered on you. I don't know it seems gross to me. Anyway, I quickly went downstairs to the kitchen. "So what's for dinner?" I asked, very excited of the prospect of food going in my mouth. "Well I made this delicious protein shake!" My dad seemed very excited about the shake. I don't see what is exciting or delicious about that shake. I mean I have seen what in that. All I have to say about what is in there is urgh, just plain old urgh. "I'll pass!" My face turning a bit green. "Oh no, you will drink this shake even if I have to force it down your throat," he said forcibly. "Fine, fine you don't have to get boxers in a twist!" I pinch my nose and bring the glass up to mouth. I gulp it down as quickly as I can. "Well now for the hard part!"He said rubbing his hands together. I quickly followed him outside. "Well first off do you about the positions in the pack, right?" he looked at me expectantly. "Yea isn't the Alpha the leader and the beta is the second in command." "Very good, I think you should know that I'm the..."


Yea another cliffhanger just for you! Yup you heard right that there cliffhanger was just for you. Sorry it's a bit late I'm even crazier/weirder than usual, which is saying something! Now it is really it. Until next time wattpadians!!!

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