Part 1

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"I'll take over," Donna said in her light Irish accent right behind his shoulder, nearly making Draco drop his stirring rod.

"You will do no such thing," Draco said, leaning protectively over his cauldron.

Donna sighed, "It's nearly three, innit? You always go on break at three. You're only finishing up a blood replenishing potion, I can manage that much."

Draco glanced over at the clock on the wall which showed five til and tried to pretend it didn't matter, "It's just tea. Blood replenishing potions aren't cheap or easy to make."

Donna was not amused. A few strands of her tightly curled black hair had fallen around her face and pushed them back irritably, "I could finish 'em in my sleep. The first half's the hard part. Come on then." she nudged his shoulder.

Draco glared at her, "I am your superior."

"Yeah, yeah," Donna rolled her eyes, "Hired a whole year ahead of me, good on ya."

"Why is this important to you?" Draco asked suspiciously.

Donna smirked a bit, "Your snake is showing."

"That could be taken as harassment," Draco said, raising an eyebrow.

Donna frowned at him, eyes narrowing. Her dark skin hid any flush of embarrassment she might have had.

The timer went off announcing that it was time for the next ingredient followed by stirring clockwise ten times, counter five. Donna did not interrupt him until he'd finished and set the next timer.

"First off," Donna ticked a finger, "you aren't really my type so I wouldn't bother. Second off, you're queer as a bottle of chips an' don't deny it."

Draco flushed and glared furiously at her, though he neither confirmed nor denied it, it wasn't worth the trouble where Donna was concerned, especially when they both knew it was true.

"As for why it's important to me, well," she glanced away with a grin, "you always come back in a good mood so don't have to deal with nearly as much of your pissing an' moaning."

Draco stiffened, "I do not-"

"That, and you an' Auror Potter are bloody cute together," she went on.

Draco flushed from his collarbone all the way up to his ears, "I- We are- It's not-" he protested.

Donna grinned, put her hand firmly on his shoulder and slowly pushed him out of his chair, sitting down in his place, "Very cute," she said with a nod, holding her hand out for the stirring rod.

Draco was very tempted not to give it to her. Donna was his assistant, she wasn't supposed to order him about, not that that had ever stopped her so far.

"You're going to be late." Donna said, glancing pointedly at the clock, "What if he doesn't wait for you?"

Draco followed her gaze, where the clock's minute hand helpfully ticked off three o'clock to three o' one. "Fine," he said with a haughty sniff, turning on his heel and leaving their small office laboratory, already planning to have Donna process the flobber worm delivery for their stock room once he got back. He would have anyway but now it would feel far more satisfying.

Draco hurried down the back hallway they had been relegated to when the new department had been established. He had to edge past two aurors standing in the middle of the hall who pointedly looked at him and then didn't move. He raised his chin and pretended they were less than flobber worm slime, which didn't stop him overhearing one of them raise his voice to say- "Of course, some people get things they haven't earned." "Out of pity," the other said even louder.

Draco kept his gaze fixed ahead of himself and didn't change his stride. It wasn't as if it was anything new, after all.

There were a few more aurors in the small tea room, two of which pointedly left when Draco stepped inside. Draco honestly didn't care because Harry was there, sitting at one of the small tables with two mugs of tea and a brilliant smile, just for him.

"You're late," Harry said, nudging the chair out next to him with his boot.

"I was finishing up a potion," Draco said as he sat, taking the mug Harry handed to him. Brewed strong enough to strip paint with two sugars, just how he liked it.

Potter's own mug was light and milky, brewed with tea he brought in himself because he was very particular about his favourite brand.

"I still can't believe you like the stuff they have here. I always imagine you liking fruity green teas," Harry said.

Draco smirked faintly, "Well, we can't all conform to stereotypes, can we?"

"I'm not a stereotype," Harry said mock-defensively, a smile playing on his lips.

"Not when it comes to tea," Draco agreed, raising an eyebrow at Harry's mug.

Harry laughed which Draco never got tired of hearing.

"What potion were you brewing?" Potter asked.

Draco smiled a small pleased smile that Harry cared to ask. "Just some blood replenishing potions. Your lot depleted of our stock last week," he tried to sound scolding, ignoring the little feeling of unease that Harry could have been one of the ones that might have needed it.

"You make twice as much as we could ever need," Potter said.

Draco sipped his tea, "Better to be safe, with lives on the line."

"Yeah," Harry smiled at him, his eyes shining. He glanced away, turning his mug in his hands, "Your potions are loads better than the ones at Mungo's. Theirs are always a little thin and bitter."

"They need fresher ingredients." Draco hid his smile in his mug until he could control his expression. He cleared his throat, "So how's your case going?"

"You know I can't tell you any details-"

"Is it going well or not, Potter?" Draco asked, rolling his eyes.

Harry laughed, "Right, right. It's.... progressing. Not as well as I'd like but-" he shrugged, "-they never do."

"Patience." Draco council sagely, "You don't want to strain your fragile mind."

Harry fought down a grin and kicked Draco lightly under the table, "Shut it, you prat."

"I shall do no such thing," Draco said with a sniff.

"Probably for the best," Harry said with faux-solemnity, "if you suddenly started acting nice I'd think you were ill."

"Git," Draco said without any bite.

"Harry," Weasley's voice proceeded him as he came into the room and to their table looking harried, "I know you're on break but Robard's wants to meet with us. Jacobs found a lead in his case, might be connected to ours."

"Jacob's case? Bloody hell," Harry muttered, taking a gulp of tea.

Draco plucked the empty mug from Harry's hand and got an appreciative smile for his trouble. He did his best to look annoyed and waved Harry off impatiently.

Weasley lingered behind, looking like he meant to say something to Draco.

Draco stood, picking up both mugs, he raised his eyebrow at Weasley.

Before Weasley could figure out how his mouth worked, a hand roughly shoved Draco from the back as a young auror went past, splattering tea all up over his robes.

Draco swore and pulled out his wand to spell the liquid off before it stained. When he looked back up Weasley was gone.

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