Part 4

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Draco followed the healers all the way to the apparition point, his eyes fixed on the figure in the floating stretcher. Right before they disappeared Harry raised his hand and Draco tried to return the gesture but wasn't sure Harry saw.

In the empty space where Harry had been the noise of the world came pouring back in, full of rushing about and shouting and far too many people. It seemed like the entire auror department and about half of St. Mungo's healers were there and mostly just getting in one another's way.


Draco turned and found Weasley running to him, his already red face flushed, eyes wide.

"They said you found Harry," Weasley said panting to try and catch his breath.

Draco nodded, "He's stable and in no danger. The healers have already taken-"

Weasley wrapped him up in a sudden, brutally tight hug, "thank you." He let go just as quickly and took an abrupt step back, covering up his awkwardness by slapping Draco on the back, "He's my best mate, you know."

"The entire wizarding world knows, Weasley," Draco said stiffly, brushing hands over his clothes, trying to wipe the feeling of the horrid hug off of himself.

Weasley cleared his throat, "Anyway, your assistant-"

Draco stiffened, "Is Donna safe?"

"She's safe!" Weasley reassured him quickly, "Never let her out of my sight. Something happened though." He took Draco by the elbow and pulled him along through the mess of people to an area off to the side where there was a ring of green-robed healers, and standing five feet away from them, Donna.

"Donna," Draco called out as they approached.

She turned and Draco could see that the front of her robe, once a pale blue, had been painted black by blood. Her skin was ashen, her hands shook where she held then in front of her chest, caught between a gasp and a prayer, "I- I-"

Draco took her hands in his, squeezing them tightly. They were bone cold. "What happened, Donna?" He asked in a calm voice.

Her eyes finally focused on his and she took a deep breath that wobbled on the edge of tears, "She was so- It was so bad. I didn't- I didn't know what else to do."

Over her shoulder, one of the healers moved over and for a brief moment, Draco saw Row laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood, a great half circle of her side completely gone as if something large and terrible had taken a bite out of her.

"Tell me what you gave her," Draco said, catching Donna's eye again, trying to keep her focused on himself.

"She was bleeding- so, so much. I-" her mouth opened but nothing came out, her eyes unfocusing.

Draco squeezed her hands tightly, "What did you give her?" he repeated.

She blinked and was looking at him again, tears dripping down her cheeks. "Two blood replenishment potions and deep sleep. I forced them. She was- I don't know if- if-"

Weasley was back, though Draco hadn't seen him leave, handing over a blanket. Draco wrapped Donna up in it and cast a warming charm over her as well, "You did the right thing. The healers are still working on her, that means there's still hope." He repeated for good measure, "You did the right thing."

Draco pulled her further away from the healers, "Listen- are you listening to me, Donna?"

Donna nodded blearily.

"Good. You're going to go home, take the longest, hottest shower you can stand. Then you're going to take a dreamless sleep and rest. You take as long as you need. Take time off work, see a mind healer, talk with someone. Whatever you need. That's a direct order from your superior."

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