Part 3

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Stone dust hung in the air like a fog. All along the abandoned muggle streets were signs of destruction, brick and mortar crumbled like children's blocks and concrete bowed in like a half dried clay pot. The air smelled sour and bright, the dust pricking on the back of his throat dryer than desert sand. There was a boom in the distance, the street shaking faintly underfoot followed by a tense unnatural silence broken a minute later by the sound of bricks cascading across asphalt as a wall somewhere collapsed.

Draco stayed close behind the auror's, his hand trembling faintly with adrenaline. Row was bright, vibrating with excitement. Her partner was an auror that was a permanent glower given human form, he hadn't looked at Draco even once.

Row stopped at the edge of the next building, casting, "Homenum revelio," for the third time since they had slipped out from behind the bus. "Got it!" She hissed, bouncing on her toes before darting forward to a shop across the street.

Draco and Glower hurried after her into the building. The door had been blown inward, shelves had been knocked over, food scattered across the floor and underfoot and at the end of the destruction, an unconscious auror.

Row waved at Draco impatiently to hurry up and when it wasn't fast enough, Glower grabbed Draco by the front of his robes and pulled him forward, letting go only to roughly shove him the rest of the way.

Draco shot Glower a glower of his own as he skidded through bags of crisps before kneeling next to the man and casting his diagnostics. It showed no wounds internal or external, but quite likely a concussion. Draco opened a pain potion before reviving the man with a rennervate.

"Hurry up!" Row said impatiently, wading through the debris back to the front of the shop and carefully peering around the side.

Draco didn't bother dignifying that with an answer. He told the auror, "You hit your head. This will help," he held out the potion, "It's a pain-away potion," he clarified impatiently at the man's hesitation.

The man took the potion and Draco pulled him to his feet. Glower had joined Row at the door. Draco took the man to join them.

"Head injuries are dangerous. You need to return to the overturned bus where Weasley is and report to the healers as soon they arrive," He told the man, and because aurors were in his experience stubborn idiots who would try and shrug off any injury no matter how life-threatening, he added coldly, "This could kill you. If you do not report to the healers I will track you down and drag you there personally, understood?"

The auror nodded nervously and after some very quick words with Glower, the injured auror was hidden under a disillusionment spell and headed towards the triage area.

Glower shifted over to look past Row's shoulder, "Come on, let's-"

There was a distant boom that made the shop shudder, the ceiling above them raining dust and creaking ominously. Draco ducked behind an empty shelf. He pulled himself up just in time to see Row running out of the shop towards the explosion.

Glower yelled at her to come back, took one look at Draco and then promptly left, chasing after Row and leaving Draco alone in the rubble.

Draco swore under his breath, trying desperately not to panic. He knew he should go back to the bus but if he did there was no way Weasley was going to send out another team and Harry was still out there. He couldn't leave him.

Draco uncorked a calming draught and took a rather large swallow. He edged just far enough out to cast homenum revelio. He could see the faintest outlines of the fight a few blocks away, it looked like both sides had taken cover and were trying to wait the other out. Row had led them a lot closer to the fighting than Draco had realized but considering all he knew about Row, who was obviously lacking in even the barest amount of common sense to be a Ravenclaw, he was not surprised.

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