【Kagamine Len & OLIVER 】 My Place in the Sea

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  In a blue-colored whisper, 

 The people who gather dissolve

  And begin to play in the sea 

 As the water around their ankles

Goes from lukewarm to cold

And half-hearted words meet.

 The sound of the waves sway, 

 And the noise reaches to the other side of the light

Even though you can't

 Follow the "pattern" of it,  

You can still splash around in it. 


  On this day I'm sinking, sinking. 

 (On this day, why don't you sink with me?)

  The blue memories discolor and melt away,  

  (Sway and melt away...) 

  Purifying everything  

 (Purifying everything...)

  Come, let the water wash away everything... 

(hurry) (erase everything)

 My face is that of a fish, as you're  

(Your face is that of a fish, as you're) 

Just like the bubbles that float about and disappear.

(Swelling and disappearing)

 The treasure box is already  

 (The treasure box is already) 

  An old distant mirage... 

(an ebbed and faded mirage...)

 The sugary sweet is washed ashore  

 And the sandy beach is dyed in sweetness.  

The scenery and illusions

 from the car window stop  

I surrender my heart

As the heavenly wind purifies the water's surface.

And for my sake, ripples start to form on the water's 

surface, as well 

I decided to fulfill it,

Even in this bitter water, I will survive

I'll walk as far as it takes

And be sure to leave behind these footprints  

 And then I'll sink alone  

 (and then we'll sink together)

Is nobody being concerned about your whereabouts

(is nobody caring)

 Enjoyable or painful?  

 (Enjoyable or painful?)

I wonder if my heart is too indecisive?

(we're both) (indecisive)  

My face is sunburnt badly  

(our faces are sunburnt badly)  

Prickling and dazzling in pain

(prickling in pain)

my dry face

(my dry face)

  Peels and falls off, making me able to see 

 (crumbles, making me able to see)

  I feel as if the bottom of the sea 

 Is infinite, even if there's a cork.

 I won't look back at the past anymore,  

 I'll escape the fish tank even if I drown.  

Suddenly, and idea comes to me, an idea comes to me,  

(suddenly an idea to go outside comes to you)

As the blue light disappears

( As the blue light disappears ) 

 In a crowd of people  

(In a crowd of people)

My legs cower in fear, ahh!

(you're trapped) (and scared)  

The inside of my ears is trembling, trembling  

 (Why don't you tremble with me?)  

On that day, the ripples on the water called out to me

(Why don't you join me on that day?) 

And made me reflect on my route

(reflect on your route) 

As I wait here alone, in vain 

(as we wait here) (In vain)

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