I Don't Know

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Ok so this is gonna be just like a long a/n that will hopefully clear up anything that may be confusing..........

1. Frank, Gerard, Kristie, Shaliyah and most other characters are in senior year and go to a high school that mainly focuses on arts, music, writing and other creative topics. 

2. Victoria lives on her own most of the time because her parents are always traveling due to their job. Frank and his mom have a close and reliable relationship. Franks dad just disappeared one night and never came back or contacted their family. 

3. The ages of the characters in this book are not accurate, sorry but I'm too lazy to keep up with ages. Also, all the era's might not be in correct order.

4.  May be triggering (i'll be sure to put in trigger warning where I think they are needed) but please don't get mad at me if I somehow trigger anyone in a way that may be very emotional to them.

5. Sorry if I leave you at a cliffhanger *evilly laughs*

ok that's all bai :3

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