Part 6

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"where are they?.....i had left my so important meeting"sahil said in annoyed voice.

"bhai...girls can never comes on time."lucky said while making face.sanskar and karan chuckles.

"there she came....'lucky said seeing ragini coming.all looks toward door of playground.

"she is one who hit our car...where is her friend?"karan said in little shocked voice then interested.

"which friend?..."sahil asked confusingly.

"is she going to play alone?.."sanskar asked,rolling up selves of his shirt.

"who slapped karan..'lucky said,laughing a little.sahil and sanskar looks at karan.karan throws daggers at lucky.meanwhile ragini comes there.

"i guess everyone knows you are bad player therefore no one agreed to play with you."lucky said in teasing tone.

"lakshah..'sanskar said in scolding tone.

"shut your mouth my friends are coming....'ragini said pointing index finger at him.ragini went to other side of play ground and starts waiting for others.karan gets happy seeing kavya entering inside while kavita was behind her.

"what is he doing here?" kavita said looking at sahil with wide eyes.

"who?..."kavya said following her gaze.

"my chipko boss..."kavita said and makes face,seeing sahil's gaze at her.

"oye lucky...i never thought your are so lucky for girl is also here."sahil said while slapping on lucky's head in light way.

"thank God they are friends,at least they will not separate us after marriage."karan said,thanking God.boys laughed and sanskar ruffles his hair.

"where is swara?..'ragini said in annoyed voice.

"she is always late..."kavita said,staring at sahil with narrowed eyes.sahil raised his eye brow.kavita quickly turns her face away and saw swara coming there as usual cursing.

"forth one also came..."lucky said while getting up.sanskar was surprised seeing swara there.his eyes sparkles.

"let's go...."lucky said and walks toward pitch of ground.

"bhai let's what are you staring?..."karan said,patting at his shoulder.sanskr comes to his sense and walks toward play ground.

'why the hell i am meeting him again and again...'swara thought angrily in her mind while walking toward ground.


Ball was in ragini hands and lucky was trying to get it from her.

"today you are looking like creamy cup cake...i wish i could have take big bite."lucky said in very romantic voice.ragini cheeks turned dark shade of red.

"you...'ragini said pointing finger at him after leaving the ball.lucky takes advantage,takes ball in his hands and throw it in basket.ragini's mouth gets open.

"don't give yourself so much importance.."lucky whispered to her while going toward his brothers.Girls sing her "WHAT?".ragini's cheek were still red.


"i had filed divorce for you.."karan blasted boom on kavya's head.

"how can you do that without my permission?..."kavya said in unknown fear.karan takes ball from her hands,throw it in basket and turns toward.

"i don't i needed your permission for taking a step toward my better future."karan said.

"what does that mean..."kavya thought confusingly.

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