Part 16

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all brothers were sitting outside with small bonfire, with different drinks in hands.

"what are they doing here so late...."kavya thinks, seeing them sitting there.

"ragini! Come here..."kavya called raging and both hides behind walls.

"there are planning something against us."ragini said in suspicious voice.kava and ragini looks at them, trying to hear them.

"what are you two doing?..."swara asked after standing behind them, with crossed arms.both jumps from their place and turns toward her then looks outside.

"you are spying on them."swara asked with raised eyebrows then jumps and stands beside them, keeping one arm on ragini's shoulder.

"what are they doing?"swara whisper in secret voice.kava and ragini looks at her with wide eyes.

"what happened to her?"ragini whispered in kavya's ear.she shrugged then looks outside.

"karan why are you wearing these gloves?...... are you feeling cold"sanskar asked in worried voice.

"no bhai....actually kavya........" before his sentence could have completed, lucky gives him tight slap, making everyone shock.

"what kavya can you do these cheap things.all that happened with her, it doesn't mean she is became impure" lucky said in full anger.kava gulps hard, her eyes got filled with tears.

"bhai! think like this of can I think like that for the girl to whom I love so much"karan said in hurt voice.

"then why are you wearing these.... and" lucky's anger was still on peak.

"lakshah let him speak.... don't assume things yourself"sanskar said in strict voice.

"only sanskar bhai trusts me...bbai you know whenever my hand touches her hand mistakenly.she gives me a tight slap therefore I wears these... now she don't say anything."karan said, looking at lucky angrily.sanskar and sahil burst out laughing.lucky face was 'O'.

Raging and Swara looked at each other and hides their smile.kavya had bites her lower bottom firmly, remembering her slaps.

"Karan......"lucky said with extra sugar in his voice.

"don't talk with me.... from today you are not my brother."karan said in anger filled voice.

"Karen its not his mistake..... will stay in ragini's company whole day then his mind will also get dirty Na."sahil said in teasing voice.

Lucky nodded vigorously and raging gritted her teeth.

"Karan you whine like girl.....I am saying sorry." lucky said in irritated voice.

Sanskar and sail burst out laughing.karan and lucky looks at them suspiciously.

"bhai here we are doing so important conversation and you are laughing'karan said in confused voice.

"became mad in love' lucky said feeling sorry for them.

"bhoooo!...." kavita shouted in full volume, scaring the hell out of girls.trio screamed in run outside. Kavita laughed loudly, seeing the scared kittens.

Brothers looks at them and girls stared back at them with embarrassed faces.ragini wanted to kill kavita then and there.

"what you were doing behind wall."kavita asked innocently.raging bears her forehead,kavya and swara covers their eyes.

"Ohho! "Karen and lucky said loudly in meaning full way.

"we were feeling cold... so fire' kava brain worked quickly and raging nodded vigorously.kavita nodded after understanding and walks toward fire.girls also walks near fire, except Sara.

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