Part 13

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"bhai...are you free?"karan asked after knocking on door.sanskar nodded.

"actually bhai...tomorrow is first hearing and i am not going to win this time"karan said in helpless tone.

"why so..."

"bhai...she wants divorce without any reason....6 months are not passed to her marriage....court will tell her to spend 6 months with her husband then decide."karan holds his head in both hands.

"did you tell her these things..."

" you know what she said.."if men wants then they throw women out from their houses and if she wants divorce just because she don't want this marriage then why these laws."....i don't know what to do"

"what if she wants divorce because of this reason."

"No bhai....there is something.she just don't want to tell'

"talk with others....they would have know about this.maybe they will tell"

"good idea...thank you bhai"karan said and left.


"look my beautiful beautiful bhabhies...please tell me truth"karan said literally joining hands in front of them.

'don't call us that...'they shouted at him.

"the reason kavya gave is the only reason."kavita said firmly.

"do you want your friend divorced or not....with this reason i don't think that will happen"karan said getting angry now.girls stare at his face.

"listen...we need a solid very solid reason otherwise court will give its decision of 6 months together....hey bhagwan 6 months!" karan said last words clenching his hair in both hand.

"that will not happen....divorce will happen by hook or by crook"swara said angrily and leaves.girls also went after that.

"bhai!!!!....."karan shouted with full force.all brothers came in his study quickly.

"karan are you fine...why did you shout so loudly"sanskar said worriedly.sahil and lucky were starring at him with confused face.

"they didn't tell anything...."karan cried loudly

"stop whining  like girls.."sahil said,slapping on his head.

"let me talk...."sanskar said,patting on his shoulder and all went toward girls room but there was no one.

"bhai!...someone is stealing my car"sahil said worriedly,hearing car ignition sound and went out quickly.

"where is she taking my car..'sahil said worriedly and in formed his brothers.

"my sixth sense is saying we should go after them."lucky said in thoughtful tone.

"no...they went to enjoy with each other."sanskar said in serious tone

"where are kavita,swara and ragini..."kavya voice came from their behind.brothers turned and looked at her.

"bhai i think lucky is right....i am feeling something fishy"



"what are they are doing here?....where is ragini"lucky whispered,looking at swara and kavita.

"this is so stupid....spying like this'sanskar said,feeling uncomfortable.

"bhai...voice low please"sahil wispered.sanskar shakes his head.

"bhai stare at will not get bore"lucky whispered and got a glare from sanskar.karan was standing there not at all interested.

Meanwhile ragini came in other car and trio girls went toward car's back and take out a tied man from trunk.

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