The Six-Month Backslide Part 3

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The Cedar Room has always been a sanctuary for the gang. It's the place where they go to seek refuge from the choppy waters and dark skies of everyday life. And so in a time where weird has become the new normal, the feeling they have sitting at their usual table is one of general uneasiness.

Just as Ashley's absence cast a pall over Sunday brunch, Jeff's empty chair at the table makes it seemingly impossible for Niko, Louie, and Ashley to relax. Dr. Moore's wake ended only a few hours ago and his funeral will take place in about twelve hours from now. And since we're counting hours, it's been more than seven since the last time any of them had a confirmed Jeff Dempsey sighting.

Niko and Louie have known Jeff for an eternity but they can't come up with a good lead on where he could be. He's not at Ellen's, his parent's place, his sister's place, their favorite wing place, or Jeff's favorite dumplings place.

Just to be extra thorough, Louie made sure Jeff wasn't at any of the strip clubs in the city. Good ole' Louie, always selflessly going the extra mile for a friend.

"I'm out of ideas, I have no sweet clue where he could be," Niko announces as he brings a fresh round of drinks to the table. Louie and Ashley gladly grab a much-needed drink after a long day that shows no sign of letting up anytime soon.

Louie turns to Ashley. "Aren't you supposed to be some kind of psychic/voodoo person? Shouldn't you be able to find him?"

"What is it that you think I do, exactly?" Ashley asks.

For his part, Niko can't stop thinking of the logistical ramifications of the situation. "What do we do if he doesn't show up to deliver that eulogy? We can't leave Dr. Moore hanging like that."

"I'll do it," Louie says matter-of-factly.

"NO!!!!" both Niko and Ashley cry out in unison.

Before Louie can make his case as to why he would be the perfect replacement, a fourth shows up to join them at the table.

"Caitlyn, you made it!" Louie says.

She comes over and gives Louie a quick embrace and sits down in what should be Jeff's seat. There's not one bit of this that is sitting well with Niko.

"Caitlyn's here," Niko says through gritted teeth. "Why is Caitlyn here? Why are you here?" he says turning towards her.

Ashley ignores Niko's rudeness and poses a friendlier question to Caitlyn. "Have you heard anything from Ellen? Does she know where Jeff is right now?"

Caitlyn looks sullen. "No, she hasn't heard anything. I hope he's okay."

"So you're not here with news about Jeff?' Niko says.

"No, I'm here to spend some time with Louie."

"REALLY???" Once again, Niko and Ashley respond perfectly in sync.

"This Louie?" Niko says pointing to Louie like a witness identifying the murder in a courtroom.

"You bet! Isn't he something?"

"Oh he's something all right," Niko says. "Modern science just can't quite determine what."

"Well, I think he's a real cutie."

"SERIOUSLY???" Yet again, Niko and Ashley respond as one.

"Okay, we need to stop doing that," Ashley says.

Niko cannot stop thinking about their predicament. "Guys we need to figure out where he is soon or this is going to be a disaster. There's got to be a place we're not thinking of."

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