Chap 7: Label

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"Okay, uh, class, my name is Dinah Hansen. And I'm your new music teacher. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask." Dinah smiled to the class but she couldn't take her eyes off Ms. Lorraine.

Almost all the pupils raised their hand and Dinah chuckled. She pointed to Stephanie. "You."

"Are you like, Beyonce's child? You look like her." Stephanie giggled and Dinah chuckled.

"No, but she's my aunt." Dinah smiled and Ariana gasped.

"I have to meet her aunt." Ariana and Stephanie whispered to Lorraine but Dinah still heard it.

Dinah smiled again as she pointed to one of the jocks.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 22. Just graduated college." She smiled again but she turned her eyes to Lorraine whose hand was raised.


"Are you gay?"

Her friends turned to her wide eyed. "Lorraine!" Ariana scolded her.

"Uh, no, that's alright. To answer your question, no I'm not. But I'm bisexual."

A few gay girls whistled and smirked.

"Okay. I think that was enough questions. So, your previous teacher told me that he had you assigned to something?"

The class nodded and got out their papers of song lyrics.

"The fifteen people who gets chosen by the principal will be performing next week for a singing contest."

"So, we're gonna start with you, Ms. Fitz." Dinah pointed at Ariana and the girl stood up.

Ariana sang her song beautifully and after she was finished the class clapped for her. Dinah kept watching as her students sing.

"Okay, Ms. Fields." Dinah smiled at Eleanor. She knew that the girl was her co-teacher's daughter and Alison was a great singer.

"I'm going to be singing an original song. Can I use the guitar?" Eleanor asked and Dinah nodded.

Eleanor started strumming the guitar that played an unfamiliar song.

"Why? Did you leave me here to burn? I'm way too young to be this hurt." Eleanor closed her eyes as she felt the song to her heart.

"I feel doomed, in hotel rooms. Staring straight up at the wall. Counting wounds and I am trying to numb them all."

"Do you care? Do you care?" You thought that Eleanor was singing this for Cassandra? No, she was singing it for Addison. She actually liked the bitch.

"I gave you all of me. My blood, my sweat, my heart, and my tears. Why don't you care? Why don't you care?" Eleanor felt tears threatening to fall. She gave Addison what she wanted but Addison gave nothing.

"I have questions for you."

"Number one, tell me who you think you are. You got some nerve tryin' to tear my faith apart."
Eleanor finally let the tears fall.

Cassandra watched as Eleanor sing her heart out. She noticed that Eleanor was crying and it broke her heart.

"Number two, why would you try and play me for a fool? I should have never, ever, ever trusted you!" Eleanor's voice cracked slightly as she sang with tears streaming down her face.

The whole class, even the teacher, looked at the brunette sadly as she sang.

"Number three, why weren't you, who you swore you would be?" Eleanor's voice calmed a bit but there was still tears coming out of her eyesballs.

"I have questions. I've got questions haunting me."

"I have questions for you. I have questions!" Eleanor  raised her voice again.

"I have questions for you." Eleanor finished and slowly went back to her seat. Everybody clapped quietly as they watched the vulnerable girl sit back down on her seat.

It was Cassandra's turn and she suddenly felt bad. She was singing a song about Eleanor. But she just shrugged it off.

"She broke your heart. She was kissing the person you hate the most. Shut the fuck up and don't be a pussy. Sing the fucking song." Cassandra told herself.

"I...I am also singing, um, an original song." Cassandra said as she headed towards the keyboard.

"This is called 'Stone Cold'." She gave a small smile and started playing a few keys.

"Stone cold. Stone cold. You see me standing but I'm dying on the floor."

"Stone cold. Stone cold. Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel  anymore." Eleanor looked up at Cassandra and looked at her eyes.

"Stone cold, baby. God knows I tried to feel." Cassandra broke her eye contact with Eleanor and closed her eyes instead.

"Happy for you. Know that I am. Even if I can't understand."

Cassandra didn't understand why Eleanor would just do that after what happened between them two, but she was happy for her.

"I'll take the pain. Give me the truth. Me and my heart, will make it through." All Cassandra ever wanted was the truth. The true reason why Eleanor did what she did.

The true reason why Eleanor would just leave her.

For Addison.

"I-I-I-I-If happy is her. I'm happy for you." The class gasped at Cassandra's amazing voice.

"Well, fuck. I didn't know that Cassi can sing like that." Stephanie said as she stared at Cassandra in amazement.

"We're doomed. We're fucking doomed." Lorraine said and Ariana nodded in agreement.

"She's for sure, gonna win the contest."

"Stone cold. Stone cold. I was your amber but now she's your shade of gold." Cassandra raised her voice and the class clapped.

"God, who fucking knew that she could sing like that?" One of the cheerleaders whispered.

"I know she's gonna win the contest and I'm not even jealous that she could sing better than me." The other cheerleader whispered back.

The class just watched as Cassandra belt out some notes. They were impressed. Even the teacher was impressed.

"This girl deserves a label. I'm thinking of calling Beyonce and Jay-Z." Dinah whispered to herself.

Cassandra continued to sing her song. She got to the bridge and the high note part.

As she sang her note, everybody looked at her shocked. Even Eleanor.

After Cassandra finished her song, everybody clapp for Cassandra. She smiled and just as she was about to sit down, the bell rang.

"Okay, class, we'll be continuing tomorrow. Be sure to do voc warm ups to make your voice sound better." Dinah yelled after her students.

As Cassandra was about to go out, Dinah stopped her.

"You were amazing. Your voice was perfect. Where did that voice come from?"

"I don't know." Cassandra scratched the back of her neck nervously as she cuckled.

"I want to sign you on my Aunt's label. What do you say?"

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