Chapter 1 - The Meeting

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Character Cards:

Kiara Lanii





Ozaka Shiba





Sabrina Moren





Cypher Kiya





Amaya Riko





Lona Rai





The forest is a place for all manner of destiny to unfold. Kiara Lanii was taken by the dragons she was fighting to that forest. Ozaka Shiba was lured there by a mysterious message. Sabrina Moren had her own reasons for going there. Cypher Kiya was a bandit who lived there. Amaya was a dark mage looking for some animals to practice on. Lona was hunting the bandit Cypher. Other people lurked in the forest. But destiny is a lie. Everyone here made their own decisions. You cannot blame destiny. Live your life. As these people have lived theirs. The Six Worlds of War may not have been discovered yet. But they will be. They will go and find each other. The Six Worlds of War cannot remain unfound. The heralds may die and each of the Six Worlds will need to be rediscovered. But life's endless cycle is unchangeable. Unless you introduce a new variable.

Kiara was almost to a clearing when she saw a girl sleeping leaned up against a tree. She had decided to just walk past but the girl stood up, looked over at Kiara and held out her hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Amaya Riko!" Kiara took her hand and shook it "Nice to meet you too! I'm Kiara Lanii." Kiara did a quick once over of Amaya and asked her about her strange outfit. "I'm a dark mage. What are you doing here?" "I'm trying to get back to my village, a dragon took me here for some reason." when Amaya heard this she was very impressed. "Woah! You were fighting dragons?" Kiara was proud of this and beamed at hearing Amaya. "Yes, my village gets attacked by them every day." "I'm impressed, I'm not much of a fighter myself, I usually avoid battles with magic." They smiled at each other and walked away talking.

Ozaka sensed a presence behind him and searched for the owner of that presence. After all, they might be the person who gave him that mysterious letter. They had told him to meet at the only hill in the forest and this was definitely a hill. He searched around a little but didn't see anyone. He made sure his sword was clear in it's scabbard and waited. Cypher was the one following Ozaka. He jumped from tree to tree making sure he always had sufficient cover. When Ozaka had stopped Cypher looked around too and strangely enough he also sensed a presence. He pulled out a knife and found who he was looking for. He jumped out of the tree and rolled up to Lona with a knife at her throat. "Bounty hunter I'm guessing?" Lona, startled, hadn't had time to prepare and couldn't do anything. Ozaka had heard the noise and ran towards them. He took the situation to his advantage, swept Lona off her feet, knocked Cypher's knife out of his hand and pointed his sword at Cypher. Lona got up with an arrow nocked but Ozaka sensed it and ducked as she fired the arrow. Cypher jumped from where he was seated, the arrow narrowly missing, got his knife and tried to stab Lona but missed. She nocked another arrow while jumping into a tree. Ozaka quickly cut down the tree Lona had jumped into with three swift slashes.

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