Chapter 2 - Korman

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Amaya woke up to the sound of voices. She heard them chatting restlessly. She opened her eyes and turned her head. She saw Lona, Kiara, Cypher, Ozaka and Sabrina all introducing themselves in a circle. She heard Kiara also introducing her. After a little while she managed to get up and then everyone noticed her. Ozaka tapped the ground beside him and invited her to sit down. She asked them what they were talking about even though she already knew. Ozaka responded saying that they were introducing themselves and how they got to this hill. Amaya learned all of their stories and asked about Lona. "You said you were hunting Cypher right?" "If so then why aren't you killing him right now?" Lona stood up "Because all six of us are making a team together" "To fight what or who and why?" "I'm bored and I don't get many jobs, and one of you probably has some story or enemy or something that will give me someone to fight"

Amaya started laughing but was soon interrupted by a rustling in the brush. As soon as they heard it they all picked up their weapons and stood. From all sides of the brush large bears came. Sabrina, panicked, spin kicked then uppercut jump kicked one of the bears. Cypher, also panicked, threw a knife at a bear then got a small flashbang grenade and threw it at the bears. Ozaka, not panicked, cut down two bears with the help of Lona who was panicked also. As Ozaka leapt towards the bears, Lona shot a jump arrow under Ozaka and he got boosted forwards giving him the boost he needed to do a spinning slash in the air. Kiara pulled out her R23K massive machine pistol and spray fired it at multiple bears at once. At the end of their attacks 4 bears were dead, 5 majorly wounded, 10 minorly wounded and 2 that were fine.Cypher, Lona and Sabrina came to their senses. Lona finished off the rest of the majorly wounded. Sabrina wounded the minorly wounded more and Cypher finished them off. Ozaka and Kiara finished off the other two.

Why were they attacking us? Lona asked puzzled that the wildlife who were usually friendly towards her were attacking. Kiara suddenly had a wondrous look on her face "The dragons, it all makes sense!" "What do you mean?" Sabrina looked at her puzzled. "Korman is taking back land. I knew the dragons seemed tougher today, but why did one take me into the forest?" Amaya, the only other one who knew who Korman was, became instantly convinced "This must be part of his plan.." Cypher, looking more puzzled than Sabrina voiced the question on everyone else's mind "Who is Korman? Amaya and Kiara looked at Cypher and spoke in unison "He is the one of the strongest spellcasters in the world" and Amaya added "He is evil but never learned any dark magic." Ozaka also confused asked "How are the ranks defined?" Amaya, always loving to spread knowledge of spellcasting, replied eagerly "You cannot become a spellcaster without becoming ranked. You are ranked by how powerful you are, decided by magic. People may defeat higher ranking spellcasters than themselves but not increase in rank. It is all defined by skill. There are subgroups as well. For example, I am the second strongest dark magic spellcaster but only ninth generally, in the world." "Who is the strongest?" Before anyone could answer three wolves attacked. Amaya, ready this time, used a slow spell and used magic to smash a tree onto all three. A man stepped out from the trees, raised his hand in form of greeting "I am Korman."

Faster than a cheetah, Kiara pulled out her hypermassive 646464 laser gun and shot. All the trees in front of them dissolved and then exploded but Korman had already teleported away. "Korman didn't take enough precaution" Amaya smirked as she used a teleport net spell on Korman. Korman was wrenched back to them and Kiara shot again while Lona shot a star arrow that stopped him from being able to use magic and burned an imprint of a star on his chest. Ozaka jumped in and slashed him down the chest and Sabrina drop-kicked him in the face. Korman fell to the ground and disappeared.

"Where did he go?!" everyone looked in different directions. They all took a step back. Kiara turned around "We need some more reinforcements". Kiara started walking briskly back towards her village. Everyone hesitated for a second then followed her. When they arrived at the village they found it trashed. There were dragons everywhere and there were three people shooting shotguns at them hoping for a good hit. Kiara shot her shotgun bazooka and took out most of the dragons quickly. Kiara ran into the village looking for wounded and running around helping people.

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