Chapter 3 - Lost and Found

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Sabrina was tired from all the walking, "Lona can we please stop? I need some rest to fight and I haven't trained in a while. So can we make camp?" Lona looked back at Sabrina "We don't have any supplies, we need to get to the next town if we want to stop" Sabrina groaned but sped up. Lona looked around "Wait, stop. Something's here." Sabrina looked around but didn't see anything other than trees. She still felt uneasy though. A strange looking black horse came out. Lona spared no time and shot it with an electric arrow. Sabrina slid under it and came up with her feet launching the horse into the air. As it flew she noticed there was a demonic looking rider and a long hand sort of appendage came flying at her. There was a horrifying scream from the rider as a demon killer arrow sunk itself into it's neck. It grabbed it with the other hand and shoved it into Lona's face while it was picking up Sabrina. Lona fell to the ground after snapping the arrow at the shaft. Sabrina was getting closer to the horse's face. Lona was crawling back and was nocking an arrow when the beast grabbed her around the waist.

Both Cypher and Ozaka were tired of slicing through the vines in the forest, this would be a good place for a secret base, it was incredibly difficult to reach, and with their teleportation it would be easy for them. Cypher was making camp while Ozaka rested, "Can you please help me out here." "Just give me another second or two" Ozaka picked up the bedrolls next to him without getting up and unrolled them. "There I helped" Cypher got the fire started and sat down next to Ozaka. "Think you have enough energy to even get to your bedroll?" "Nope." They both sat down for a couple minutes and gained the energy to shift to their bedrolls.

"Good night." Cypher yawned "Good night." They lay there for a bit but Cypher was too worried to fall asleep. "Do you think the others are having more luck?" "Probably not" Ozaka shifted and fell asleep. Cypher looked back up at the stars. "I hope they are."

"Maybe we should have brought horses" Kiara was skipping ahead of Amaya "Then we could have covered more ground." Amaya was behind her panting "Slow down Kiara, we don't have horses so I can't keep up with you, you run like one" "Oh come on Amaya I'm not that fast" Amaya had to shout "WHAT?" Kiara looked behind herself and saw that she was actually extremely far in front of Amaya. She slowed to allow Amaya to catch up. When Amaya caught up she grabbed Kiara's shoulder and huffed. It took her a minute to catch her breath before she could speak, "Let's make camp here, I'm exhausted" Kiara laughed, Amaya looked at her confused. Kiara pointed out and when Amaya looked she saw a city. When understanding dawned in Amaya's eyes, Kiara laughed again. "Alright I guess we can stay in the city." They

continued to the city but when they got there it was empty.

Lona managed to release the arrow into the creature's eye. It dropped both her and Sabrina. Lona fell flat on her back but Sabrina rolled and immediately slid under the horse and spun to kick its legs out from under it. It hit the ground as Sabrina rolled out of the way. As soon as it touched the ground, Sabrina turned and did a flip onto its stomach, crushing the rider creature. Lona managed to stand up and shot a piercing arrow directly through the horse and through the rider's head. She thought it was over but suddenly an arm shot out and started crushing Lona's skull. Sabrina dropped with her elbow onto the arm, at the same time she dodged the other arm coming for her. She spun on her elbow and kicked an arrow out of Lona's quiver and then with the other foot kicked it into the arm. It turned out to be a freeze arrow and the arm stopped crushing Lona's head. As Lona got the dead arm off from her face, Sabrina jumped and dodged the other arm moving around before punching the horse belly so hard it broke all the bones in the rider's body and finished it off.

Cypher and Ozaka found a large house in the middle of the forest. "Think this is it?" "Probably not." "Well let's see" Cypher knocked on the door. No answer. He tried and the door was unlocked. "Be on guard" It looked much more modern than it looked from the outside. They saw an elevator on the far wall. They entered and clicked every button to check every floor. They couldn't press button eleven or twelve even though they tried. "Guess we'll have to check that out later." They reached floor 2. Nothing. Floor 3. Nothing. Floor 4. Nothing. "Where is everybody?" Floor 5. Nothing. For some reason neither of them remembered floor 6. Floor 7. Nothing. Floor 8. Nothing. Floor 9. Nothing. "What was on floor 6?" "I don't remember, let's go back." Floor 10. Nothing. Ozaka reached to press the button 6 but he didn't "Come on what are you waiting for?" Ozaka pushed the first button. "I guess there's nothing here." "But we didn't even try floor 6!" Cypher tried to press the button but found he couldn't. "It must be magic. Let's contact Amaya." He tried using the connector spell but nothing happened.

Kiara tried knocking on a couple doors, but no one answered. "I wonder what happened here." She looked back at Amaya but she was holding her head and crouched. "What's wrong?" Kiara was terrified. Amaya fell to the ground as she tried to speak but couldn't. Kiara looked around and found a hospital to take her to. She got Amaya into one of the rooms that looked like it was for the most urgent care. Amaya coughed up some blood. "Hold on Amaya!" Kiara set her on a bed and pressed a button that said magic. When it finished Amaya didn't look any different and was still in incredible pain. "What is going on!" Amaya managed to turn and draw a breath. "Not the town, something went wrong with my magic." Kiara being clever, drew the meaning from her words. "Who found it? And where is it?" Amaya rolled off the bed and the air rushed from her with the whisper "Ozaka" and she passed out.

Lona couldn't sleep. Sabrina however, slept like a rock. The monster attack seemed extremely well timed. How could it have known when we were getting tired. And I wonder where it came from and how it found us. I wish I knew more about it. Lona heard a rustling. Not again. She peeked around carefully. She saw Sabrina get up and walk over to the dead beast. What could she be doing. Sabrina moved to the other side out of her sight. Lona got up and creeped around silently to watch Sabrina. Sabrina had her eyes closed grabbing the horse's head and the rider's head. Lona watched the body slowly disappear. Her eyes widened. How did she do that. At least I know I can still trust her. Lona started turning away, but something caught her eye. She looked back and saw that as the monster's body disappeared Sabrina's muscle was increasing. Woah. Lona went back to her bedroll and lay down. I'm glad she's on my side. Lona turned and fell asleep.

"What is going on here?" Cypher looked over at Ozaka. When he didn't see him he started to panic. He looked down and saw Ozaka curled on the ground shaking. Ozaka started floating and was run into the wall. After a little while Ozaka dropped to the ground and rolled a bit. "What is going on!" Ozaka coughed blood and after a little while the air rippled. Cypher stood back and pressed the first button. "We need to get out of here." The air started rippling more and Ozaka started rippling. Cypher jumped onto Ozaka to keep them together. He felt Ozaka's hair grow longer, turn blond, his legs grow longer, his shirt and jeans turn into robes. As he pulled back Ozaka was no longer Ozaka. He was now Amaya.

Kiara woke up to a loud rippling sound. She woke up and ran to where Amaya was sleeping. Instead she found Ozaka lying there. She gasped and took a couple steps back. Is this what the spell was? She decided to figure it out in the morning and went back to bed. As she slipped under the covers. She heard a demonic roaring sound. She rolled out and grabbed her guns. She ran out the door but didn't see anything. She took the time to put on her Titanmail. She pulled out her heat-sensing cluster-missile cannon. She spun in a circle looking for anything. She didn't see anything so she put the cluster-missile cannon back and brought out some longer range heat-sensing binoculars. She saw two human shaped heat signatures and ran over that way to see if they were friend or foe.

Lona was woken up by a demonic roar that sounded just like the demon she had fought before. She rolled and picked up her bow nocking an arrow as she sat up. She saw that it was Sabrina and not a demon and relaxed. She noticed movement in the shadows. Maybe it wasn't just Sabrina. She tightened her bowstring and she aimed for the shadows. She shot a wall arrow. As it sprung to life she heard a cry of surprise. It sounded feminine. She prepared another arrow and the wall exploded sending Lona flying back but somehow it didn't make Sabrina budge. She saw an extremely large missile come flying through. She shot it with a neutralizer arrow and jumped up. She nocked another arrow and noticed it was Kiara. She let go of the bowstring gently and yelled Kiara's name and told her not to shoot. "Is that you Lona?" Lona smiled and nodded.

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