The chase of the century!

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Exhausted and bored, you were just about finished with your part of the episode. You pushed your pen against the paper one last time as you inked some of the last lines and then lifted your utensil; your project was finished. You sighed and quickly organized your papers as you got up and headed for Joey's office, ready to turn this in and go home. Walking around, it seemed like everyone else had left, again. You sighed and shook your head, Joey was probably going to make you finish their work for them. Getting to Joey's office, you knocked on the door and opened it, not hearing any protest to you being there. Looking to Mr.Drew, he had a pistol on his desk and was counting bullets for it. He also had a hardhat on.
"....Joey...? What in the heavens are you doing?" Joey looked up and quickly took off his hardhat, staying silent. "Okay.... well.. I've got my part of the episode finished..... everyone else already went home... do I need to finish their parts again....?"
"Yes yo-.... wait. Okay. I'm going to make a deal with you. If you help me, I'll give you an entire weeks off of work." You were immediately interested. Your face brightened and your eyes sparkled with interest.
"Yes Mr.Drew! Anything I can do to help! Just let me know what it is and I'll help as best I can!" Joey nodded and pulled out a drawn picture of Bendy.
"I want you to catch him."
"You heard me. I want you to find him. Catch him. And bring him to me. Don't let anyone see him. Keep him out of trouble." He handed you a bag of candy. "Use this to lure him out. He loves sweets."
"Mr.Drew.... what are you talking about...?"
"Bendy! I made him! You've seen my creations before do don't act like you don't know!" His voice was more aggressive now, making you flinch. Joey sighed and rubbed his temple. "Sorry...... it's just so damn stressful. Dealing with these fucking ink blobs. But it'll all be worth it. Once I perfect these things and tell the media. I'll be rich. Everyone's going to come here to see the real Bendy! The real Alice Angel! The Real Boris!"
"O-okay Mr.Drew..... I'll do my best to catch him..... He isn't dangerous... is he?"
"Harmless. He's about as tall as a toddler. Acts like one too. Just lure him out with the candy and catch him. He's slippery though. So be careful." You nodded and began your trip to catch the little devil.

Wandering the halls of the studio, occasionally dropping a piece of candy behind you, you looked for Bendy. You stopped after hearing soft chuckling and those footsteps. You kept still and silent listening and watching closely. You saw a shadow and dashed for it. You saw Bendy down the hallway. It shocked you for a moment, but you pushed through your excitement and bolted for him. He turned around and giggled before quickly running away. The little bastard was fast, too fast for you. You weren't paying attention and slipped on a puddle, falling on your face. Bendy stopped in his tracks and pulled a nurse hat from.... somewhere and ran back up to you. He lifted your face up and gave you a big sloppy cartoon kiss on your scratched cheek before sticking a band aid on it and dashing off again, laughing. You sat there for a moment and put your hand on your cheek before getting back up and leaning against the wall. You had to think of a plan to catch this rascal. You were getting that week off of work. You grabbed a box, a pen, and some rope. You tied the door to the pen and propped the box up with the pen. You put some candy under the box, making a trap for the little demon. You carefully pulled the door with you behind a wall and waited, watching your trap carefully. After an hour of waiting you yawned. You just wanted to go home. Bendy handed you a cup of coffee.
"Thanks Bendy....." You sipped your coffee a bit, but almost screamed when you actually realized that Bendy was beside you. You didn't want to drop your coffee, but you needed to catch him. Bendy sat there, eyeing what candy you had left. You noticed this and picked the bag up and held It up to Bendy. He stared at the bag, clearly wanting some candy. You opened the bag, grabbed a handful of candy and handed it to Bendy, hoping he wasn't going to make a run for it. He grinned widely and began eating the sweets, piece by piece. Once finished, he looked back up at you, wanting more Candy.
"Okay...... I'll give you more candy, but only if you come with me." Bendy thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. You nodded as well and went over to the box, picking it up, putting some candy into it and setting it down. "Okay, now get in." He hopped in and began eating candy again. You chuckled a bit. He was kind of adorable. You picked the box up and headed for Joey's office. Getting up to the main floor, Bendy realized where you were and tugged at your shirt, getting ink on it despite him wearing gloves. "Hm? What is it little fella?" Bendy shook his head and pointed to Joey's office door. "What's wrong..?" He kept shaking his head. You looked to the door and back at the small demon. "Do... do you not want to go to Joey?" Bendy shook his head again and began to tremble. "But... Mr.Drew said I've gotta turn you in.... what does he want from you?" Bendy simply looked down and frowned, something you had scarcely seen the demon do. You sighed, "Joey said you were a trickster. So you're probably just pulling a prank." He looked up, eyes wide and scared. Bendy stood up to run, but you shoved him back down and closed the cardboard box. He struggled and thrashed around inside and tried his best to get out. As you entered Joey's office, Joey looked up and smiled.
"AH! Back from the chase of the century I see, and you even caught the little bastard!"
"Yeah... he's probably gonna make a run for it as soon as I open the box though."
"There's two of us and one of him. We'll be fine." You nodded and set the box on his desk. You slowly opened the top of the box expecting Bendy to run, but he didn't. Before looking down, you heard a sad whistling sound; looking down, you saw Bendy was crying.
"Alright Joey. Why the hell is Bendy of all people crying?"
"He's trying to get you to feel sorry for him. Does it all the time."
"He's Bendy. If anyone knows Bendy, it's me. And Bendy doesn't just cry."
"Do you want that week off or not." You shut your mouth and looked back down to Bendy, who was still crying. You sighed and pat between his horns Before turning away. Bendy quickly grabbed your hand and held on tight. You felt a sharp wave of guilt strike you in the heart and tears begin to swell in your eyes. He was like a toddler. Joey grabbed Bendy by the head and lifted him up and off of you. Bendy sharply whistled as if he was in pain. You were about to say something, but you stopped when you heard the sudden click of Joey's pistol. "Go on, Y/n. For yours and his sake." With that, you quickly left and ran home, trying your best not to go back and kick Joey's ass.

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