Shin Hwayoung was born on March 21st 1999, the First day of Spring, she was born into one of the richest
families in South Korea. Being the only girl and having four older brothers isn't easy. after her mother dies in a car accident her father marr...
November 3rd, 2017. "Please Dwayoung-nim! What would your mother say if she found out you left without anyone knowing?" Asked my maid. "Don't worry Boyong, my mother won't find out, and besides it's not like I'm going anywhere dangerous I'm just going to the mall to get some new shoes because someone, someone!" I said pointing to my dog Lulu who had just chewed my baby blue Valentino high heels "Chewed my shoes, so I would like to get some more"
"But Hwayoung-nim you shouldn't leave the room, you know what the paparazzi are like, or at the very least get someone to go for you" she said whilst finishing making my bed
"It's fine! Come on your coming with me" I said and put my hat and mask on
"Oh I really shouldn't, but thank you for the offer."
"Too bad, your coming" I put Lulu on her lead, threw a coat at Boyong for her to wear , as we walked out of the door we passed my body guard who followed us.
We got in the elevator and I texted my driver to bring my car around. We walked through the lobby. I was staying in my dads hotel the Lotte Hotel in Gangnam because there was an EXO concert on and I loved EXO and didn't want to miss out the chance to see them again, I was good friends with Suho, EXOs leader and they had even done some modeling for my dads company, so of course I wanted to support my friends at their concert.
My bodyguard opened the door for us and the Bentley that my oldest brother Hajung got me for mynineteenthbirthday this year was waiting outside
The driver got out of the car and opened the door for me and Boyong. "Dwayoung-nim." The driver said and bowed to me. "Thank you." I replied and got into the car whilst my bodyguard got into the passengers seat. I put Lulu on my lap and we drove off
The Lotte Mall wasn't that far from the hotel so it wasn't that long of a drive but the traffic was quite busy.
The driver pulled up by the entrance, before I got out I handed Boyong a mask and pulled out Lulu's bag from under the seat so I could carry her around. "Let's go then" I said and the driver opened my door and we stepped out, there were already a few people with cameras, I guess they recognized my car, I put my arm in Boyong's arm and covered my eyes slightly, just enough so I could see and so they couldn't get my full face in the pictures, my bodyguard was right next to me and guided us into the mall.
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"Okay lets go and get my shoes and thenwe can go and get coffee" I saidwalking overto the Valentino store.
When me and Boyong walked in my bodyguard stayed outside and wouldn't let anyone in, we took our masks off and the lady behind the counter recognized me. "Oh! Annyeonghaseyo Dwayoung-nim," She said walking over to us and bowing "what an honour to have you here, what can I do for you?"
"I've come to get some new shoes, the Baby blue heels" I replied.
"Ah yes, I will get them for you right away, please sit here whilst you wait." She said gesturing to the couch. We sat down and another lady brought us tea and a drink for Lulu.
"Dwayoung-ni-" I cut Boyong off
"Boyong please stop calling me nim, you are my best friend and that means we are equal, okay?"
She stuttered a bit and replied "um okay, but I don't want to disrespect you"
"No you won't, don't worry! I want to have a normal friendship, where we can speak freely with each other, have fun and just do normal friend stuff like going shopping like right now." I said and smiled at her.
She looked down at her hands then back to me she smiled and nodded "okay, but if your mother finds out, she will fire me."
"Well she'll just never find out then." I said back to her being all mischievous, then the lady walked back over with a pair of shoes, I tried them on, they were perfect, I bought them and walked out of the shop.
"Okay where do you want to get coffee?" I asked Boyong.
"Um.. Starbucks?" She asked
"Sure! I tell you what I've got an errand to run, you order and I will meet you there, okay?" I said.
"Okay see you in a bit~" she said and started walking towards Starbucks, I walked really fast in the other direction with Sam (my bodyguard) swiftly following me. I found the Gucci store and passed Lulu and my other shopping bag to Sam.
"I'll be one minute, okay?" I said to Sam his Korean still wasn't that great so I needed to talk to him slowly, I left him with my bags and went in.
*knock* *knock* someone knocked at the door and Boyong went to open it "Annyeonghaseyo, I have the Ramyeon noodles you ordered." Said the guy. "Ahh yes just put it on the table over there." Said Boyong and gestured towards the table. He put the noodles down and left.
I walked out of the bathroom in a bathrobe and I sat down at the table and started to eat with Boyong. "So are you exited about the concert tonight?"Asked Boyong. "Yes I am I can't wa- hold on I just remember something," I said hoping off the chair and going to the wardrobe, I pulled out a box and an envelop, I walked back over to her and gave her the box "here I nearly forgot, sorry its so late."
She smiled and opened the envelop "Dear Boyong Unnie~ happy Birthday, thank you for being my best friend and maid hehe, you have always been there for me and I hope we can have many wonderful moments in the future! From Hwayoung >.<" She read the letter out loud and pulled out an EXO ticket from the bottom of the envelop and giggled in delight. "Thank you so much Hwayoung this is so cool and the letter is so sweet! Thank you~" she said and hugged me. "Open the the box!" I said. She carefully open the rapping paper, the box said Gucci on it and she looked at me with delight, she opened it and she looked at the Gucci sneakers and she started jumping up and down with excitement, she hugged me and and thanked me. "Okay should we get ready for the concert?" "Yes!" She replied and started to get ready