Another Round

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We were led to our seats at the concert, we had VIP seats the were really close but high up and it was only me and Boyong sitting there. there were a few girls sitting one row under us and they started waving at me and I waved back.
"Dwayoung-nim~ I love you~ you look so pretty!" Said one of the girls.
"Oh, thank you" I replied and smiled. I looked down at my hands and started wondering, wondering about how life would be if I was born into a normal family, a family where my oldest brother still lived in Korea and not half way around the world, a family where my mother didn't despise me and realize that I'm not just a product for her to get money from. Wondering what it would be like to go out on the streets without being crowded with people taking pictures and touching me.
June 9th, 2015
"Dwayoung-nim please look over here" a photographer said whilst another photographer put a camera in my face and took pictures
"One more Dwayoung-nim! Over here!" Another one said as someone grabbed my arm and pulled me causing me to topple over and scream slightly as cameras still took pictures and people huddled around me
"Please leave me alone!" I said and started to cry, my body guard grabbed my hand and picked me up and stayed next to me trying to push people away.

"Oh Dwayoung! Look! It's starting." Said Boyong shaking my arm and pointing to the stage, the concert started and everyone started cheering.

"Thank you everyone for coming! We hope everyone enjoyed them selves! Please get back home safe, goodbye and goodnight!" Said Suho from the stage as the concert ended and they walked off , the lights went back on and people started leaving the the arena. The two assistant came to escort us out.
"Wait, Can you please take us back stage?" I asked one of the assistants
"Um I'm not sure I'm aloud to take you backstage" he replied
"Oh no it's fine I have a backstage ticket" I said and show him the ticket.
"Oh okay, please forgive me, I will take you backstage with your friend." He said and bowed.
"Thank you."
He walked us down and then behind the stage. "Where would you like to go?" He asked.
"EXOs dressing room." I replied and Boyong looked at me with wide eyes. He led us to the dressing room and knocked on the door. I could hear cheering and laughter, then someone opened the door, it was Suho.
"Can I help you?" He asked the assistant.
"Um I have Dwayoung-nim who wants to see you" he replied and looked at me.
"Oh Dwayoung how nice to see you, come in." Suho replied and let my and Boyong in, I saw the Exo members sitting at there dressing table whilst the makeup artist took their makeup off.
"Omo Dwayoung this is so cool." Boyong whispered to me.
"Dwayoung-ah it's so cool that you could make it to are concert I heard Chanyeol say.
"Oh.. Dwayoung is here~!" I heard someone behind me say and I turned around to see Baekhyun coming to hug me.
"Haha annyeong oppa, it's nice to see you again." I replied and said hi to the rest of the members.
"So who's this?" Asked Suho sitting back down.
"Oh this is my best friend Kim Boyong." I replied and Boyong introduced her self.
"Hey Boyong, who's your favorite out of us?" Asked Baekhyun smiling
"Um.." Boyong cheeks went red a she was all shy "well i like Kai oppa."
"Yes!" I heard Kai shout and Baekhyun lost his smile and I laughed.
"Aww is Baekhyun Hyung jealous?" I heard Sehun say as he looked up from his phone.
"Come on that's enough guys," Said Suho "hey Dwayoung we are all going out to a restaurant for dinner, do you and Boyong want to join us?"
"Um sure, Boyong do you want to go out?" I Asked Boyong.
"Oh that would be awesome, yes i would love to go." She replied with delight.
"Okay it's settled then, I'll send you the name of the restaurant and we'll meet you there." Said Suho.
We said goodbye and me and Boyong left the dressing room.

"Cheers!" As we drank another round of Soju. We had just finished dinner and Baekhyun thought it was a good idea too keep ordering shots, so at this point we were all pretty drunk, except Suho who didn't want to drink because he was the only responsible one at this point.
"Hey! Can i get another round please?!" I shouted because Baekhyun was half asleep on the the table (he's a bit of a lightweight). The waitress brought the shots over and we all took a glass
"One! Two! Three!" And it went down, the burning liquid going down my throat making me light headed, I smashed the glass on the table nearly making it break,
"Woah slow down Dwayoung!" Said Suho "you'll be sick."
"I I'm fine," I stuttered "haha you know? If my mom finds out I'm here drinking with you guys, sh She will kill me haha."
"Yeah Minsu probably would kill you." Xiumin Replied. I gave Xiumin a really confused look, who was he talking about? My mother is called Yoojin not Minsu, I looked at Suho who was giving Xiumin a death stare
"Who's Minsu? My mother is c called Yoojin!" I said teasingly to Xiumin
"Oh yes sorry, I don't even know who Minsu is haha." He replied.
Minsu.. Minsu? Minsu.. where did I recognize that name. *car horns* *a woman screaming*
I snapped out of it, I looked towards the bathroom where I thought I heard the scream coming from.
"Boyong, did you hear that?" I asked.
"What? Oh look Sehun just ordered more shots."
I kept on looking over to the bathroom I could have sworn I heard a scream.
"Would you excuse me for a minute?" I asked as I got up.
"Oh sure, do you want me to go with you?" Asked Boyong.
"No I'm good." I said and walked over to the bathroom.
I looked around the bathroom and nothing, it must of just been the soju playing with my head, just as I was about to walk back I heard the scream again, it was louder this time, I looked around the bathroom again and noticed a fire escape door probably leading to the back alley. I walked over to the door and unlocked it and walked out into the alley, I looked around to see who was screaming but there was nobody, I was about to turn around but I felt a breath on my neck and I froze still as I heard someone say,
"Hey baby."

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