they ask u out

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"h-h-hey y-y/n" you herd bill stutter behind you.

"oh hello bill" you said and smiled at him. he looked like he was going to pass out any minute.

"u-um i was w-wondering if y-you m-maybe w-wanted to go o-on a d-d-date with m-me?" he said nervously.

"of course bill, i would love too." you said and gave him a big smile. he gave you a even bigger smile back. he couldn't believe it ! the girl that he had been in love with since the first time they met, is going on a date with him !


"come on eddie, you can do it!" richie cheered on his friend. eddie took a deep breath from his inhalator and made his way towards you. when you saw him, you smiled and made your way towards him. he whimpered and took another breath from his inhalator, he was not going to be a chicken and walk away.

"hi eddie." you asked him and smiled a kind smile. he wheezed and took another puff from his inhalator.

"hey, how are you" he said nervously

"I'm  good, you?"

"im, i am fine, just fine thanks. um, you?" he asked you again

"well, i am good." you chuckled.

"nice, um, well, yeah, there is something that i, that i want to ask you."

"go ahead." you said.

"oh, um, would you like to, to go out with, um me?" he asked and took another deep breath from his inhalator.

"yes! i would love too, eddie." you said. he relaxed immediately.

"oh thank god" he mumbled.


you saw richie walking up to you, confident as fuck. he was dying on the inside though.

"hey y/n."

"hey richie."

"do you want to go on a date with me, and maybe a few after the first one, if you can handle my hotness of course."




"oh, okey" he said sadly.

"richie" you said and he looked up with sadness clear in his eyes. "I'm only joking, i would love to date you" you said and laughed at the way his face lit up.


"yes, really" you said and smiled a childish smile, nudging him with your elbow.

stanley: (aged up)

"okey" richie said and rubbed his hands together. you were playing truth or dare in the woods a warm afternoon in august. "y/n, truth or dare."


"i dare you to kiss stan" he said and smirked. both your and stanleys heads snapped up and you looked at each other. you started to stand up and so did stanley. when you stood infront of each other richie broke the silence. "whenever your ready."

you and stan looked into each others eyes and the both of you slowly leaned in to each other. your lips met and the whole world disappeared around you. it was just you, stan and a tree that he pressed you up against. the kiss got more heated and he started to travel his hand to your breast but you got interrupted.

"were still here, you know." eddie said.

you blushed deeply and stanley smirked. he leaned into your ear and whispered.

"would you like to go on a date with me?"

you nodded your head happily and smiled before sitting down in the circle again.


you and mike were going to meet at a park. you walked towards it and saw mikes smiling face. you couldn't help but notice that he seemed a bit nervous. the two of you wandered around derry and ate some ice cream while chatting about life.

"um y/n, can i ask you something?"

"of course" you said and smiled at him.

"would you like to go on a date with me ?" he said.

"yeah, i-i would love to !" you said and smiled happily.


"hey ben" you said and sat down next to him in the library.

"oh h-hi y/n" he said and smiled awkward smile.

"how are you doing?"

"good just good, um y/n? can i-i ask you s-something?" he said.


"um, do you maybe want to go on a um date with um me ?"

"yes, of course, ben" you said and smiled


you were standing behind the school, smoking, when you herd footsteps behind you. you smiled, knowing it was beverly.

"hello, smoking buddy." she said and took a deep breath from her cigarette.

"hi" you said and smiled at her." it was quiet for a moment but then she broke the silence.

"you know, i really want to ask you something."

"go on then" you said.

"do you want to go on a date with me? um i don't know if your gay but I'm gay and i really like you." she said quickly.

"yes beverly, i'll go on a date with you, and by the way, i am pretty fucking gay"


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