u wear his/her clothes

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- the day after georgies disappearance

- you had been out looking for him with bill

- it was raining lots  

- came back to his house at an late hour

- your clothes were soaking wet

- "bill, can i borrow some clothes from you"

- "s-sure"

- you end up borrowing a oversized red hoodie, 

but no shorts

- "now eddie should have been here, so i could've 

 borrow his booty shorts"

- you end up taking one pair of his black boxers

- "bill, i couldn't find a pair of shorts so i 

took a pair of your boxers"

- you were met by bill, eddie, richie and stanley, 

staring at you wide eyed.

- the hoodie went just a little bit beyond your butt

 so you could see a part of his boxers

- bill quickly went towards you and hugged you.

- "stop staring at her !" he said annoyed. the others 

quickly turned their heads and looked another way.

-" you look adorable y/n, i love you." he said and 

kissed your lips softly.


- "i would look better in your red booty shorts that you"

 you said and eyed his legs.

- "really, go on and try them then" eddie said and went

 to the bathroom to change. he came out with a new pair 

of pants on and gave you his booty shorts.

- you put them on and he's shook

- your ass looks so good in them

- he stares at it

- "well, who wore it better?"

- "y-you" eddie said, still staring wide eyed at your back


- "can i borrow a shirt? just to sleep in"

- "course"

- borrowing his oversized hawaiian shirt

- stared at you wide eyed with his mouth open

- "what?"

- "you look hot as fuck y/n ! damn !"

- drooling over you

- booty grabs

- "so y/n , u wanna tickle my pickle ?"


- you just went to his closet and grabbed one of his shirts

- actually fits you very well

- you wear it with a pair of mom jeans

- his eyes almost fall out of his skull

- "y-y/n, you l-look uh g-good"

- can take his eyes of you

- stutters worse than bill

- puts his arm around your waist


- you borrow one of his knitted sweaters

- it goes to the middle of your thighs

- he made breakfast for you but you wanted to help him

- wasn't in the mood to wear ur own clothes so you decided to wear his instead 

- he's shook

- kisses you lips softly and smiles to himself

- "how did  i get so damn lucky?"


- you borrowed one of her overalls

- she just smiles 

- "you can take it, you look better than i do"

- booty grabs

- goes out to smoke together, while she's telling you how good you look

- "you should wear my clothes more often, babe"


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