u get hurt

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"shit" you muttered as you noticed the blood running down your leg. you were on a run in the woods and fell. there was a sharp rock on the ground and you fell pretty hard. you had a nasty cut along the side of your leg now. you knew that you were close to bill's house so you decided to go there. you would just ask for some water and bandage. you limped toward his house, leaving drops of blood behind you. you knocked on his door and bill opened the door.

"o-oh hey y-y/n, i didn't know y-you were c-coming." he said and kissed you softly.

"hey, i was just wondering if i could get some bandage, i fell and cut my leg." you said and showed your wound. he looked at it and screamed.


"bill, its not that bad." you said.

"A-ARE YOU K-KIDDING ME?" he said and pulled you inside. "t-there is a t-trail of b-blood b-behind you y-y/n! M-MOM D-DID YOU C-CALL THE A-AMBULANCE?" he shouted again. his mom came into the hallway where you were standing and gasped when she saw your leg.

"I'm calling right now." she said and quickly went to the telephone.

"I'm feeling a bit dizzy." you said after a while. you saw black dots infront of you.

"nonono! M-MOM SHE I-IS GOING T-TO P-PASS OUT!" was the last thing you herd before everything went black around you.

you woke up a few hour later, your twin brother riche's hand glued to your left and bill's hand glued to your right.

"fuck.." you muttered and sat up, your leg was hurting like hell. the doctors had apparently stitched the wound shut.

"y-y/n, oh g-god i thought y-you would d-d-die" bill said and hugged you carefully.

"hey, get of my sister." richie said and pushed bill away from you. "you fucking idiot. you can't even run on your own? you are never going out alone again." he said and hugged you as well.

you spent the rest of the day with your brother and boyfriend in the hospital.


"richie stop!" you laughed while richie chased you. you teased him about a crush he had and he was mad af. he was laughing too though. you looked back at him and didn't notice that it was a scrap infront of you and fell down. it was not very high but long and you rolled down it.

"Y/N! EDDIE! COME FAST!" you herd richie scream.

"oh my god Y/N!" you herd eddie scream and the next second you were surrounded by the losers. "are you ok? Y/N! CAN YOU HEAR ME?"

you opened your eyes and sat up.

"well fuck.. that was that new overall." you said and looked down on your ripped overall. your face, legs and arms has scratches all over, and a huge bruise was forming on your thigh.

"Y/N! OH MY GOD CALL THE AMBULANCE ! " eddie screamed.

"eddie, its not that bad, just help me to get up, I'm sure i can walk." you said and beverly helped you to stand up. when you stood up everyone gasped and covered their mouths with their hands. "what"

"y-your h-head." bill stuttered and pointed to the back of your head. you placed your hand on the place bill were pointing and felt warm liquid cover your hand. you looked at it and stared when you saw that your hand was completely covered with deep red blood. you started walking up the hill and felt blood stream down your back. you herd quick footsteps behind you and someone lifted you up. you started to see black spots infront of you and soon you blacked out.

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