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That's right! After having seen the tweets from the Teen Wolf cast last week about Posey and Brett being trapped in an elevator together for over an hour, many questions were raised about how the rumoured ex-lovers spent their time.

However, in exclusive footage, we can reveal that everyone's best dream did occur: a Posey Brett make-out session that rivalled Meredith and Derek's steamy elevator kisses!

There's been no comment from either camps, but we can except Posey or Brett to discuss the leaked footage on one of four booked talk show appearances that were scheduled to promote the new season of teen wolf, Brett having only just returned.

Previously rumoured to have been a couple, their supposed split was apparently the cause of Brett's original departure from the hit MTV show. Various sources have mentioned that the duo had been involved in an open-relationship that went sideways with many suggesting that Bella Thorne got in the way of the couple.

Fans were shocked to hear about her departure, with Brett's character simply disappearing for a season. It was a cliffhanging plot twist when her character returned weeks ago.

Personally, we can only wish that this footage confirms that Brett and Posey are a couple again. Their off-screen chemistry was rivalled only by their characters and their friendship forever led us into having goals envy.

Updated will be posted once more information about the incident has been released.

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