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"I don't decide anymore!" Rick yelled down too him.

"Does Hershel decide or maybe my good friend michonne." Governor said as two men pulled out michonne and Hershel both and put then on the knees.

Rick looked at everyone before he started down to the governor. Daryl went over to the bin of guns and took out guns and ammo and gave it to everybody. He gave me a AK-47 and two boxes of ammo. I had my hand gun and pocket knife too.

Carl and Daryl pointed there guns at the governor.

Rick and the governor were talking I couldn't really understand them. The governor was up on the tank still.

"We want what you have." The governor yelled.

"Well your not get it!" Rick yelled back.

I watched governor jump off the tank and get michonne's sword and put the blade on Hershel's neck. Maggie and Beth started too cry.

"We can all live together!" Rick yelled to him.

He looked down at the blade and He thought for a minute. He looked up at Rick. "Liar." He said before swinging the sword at Hershel.

Everyone started shooting. I didn't know what to do or what. I started to shoot at him. Beth and Maggie were crying and shooting. I thought about the bus and the kids. I ran for the cell. I ran in the and ran to Glenn And the Kids

"Glenn come on!" I yelled with my gun on my back. Maggie came in. "Go get the kids!" She yelled.

I ran out of the cell block. Shots still went. But not as many. I saw bob and Sasha shooting together. Daryl shooting. Beth was putting people on the bus. I didn't see Carl anywhere and I'm not leaving without him.

I saw a lady and a man come up they saw me. I pointed my gun and I was about to shoot the man but two shoots came from behind me. I turned around and as tyreese and Lizzie and Mika. I shoot another two people. And another two people started shooting at me but i shot them quick I ran for Daryl but by the time I got there he was gone. I tripped and fell. I looked around I all I saw now were walkers. I ran up beside a truck. I heard a explosion. I looked around I saw smoke in the air about 50 ft over. I looked over and saw the tank in flames and Daryl and Beth running in the distance. I started running for them. Two walkers came from behind the tank and I shot them. I looked on the ground i saw a Judith's bloody Car seat. I kept running. I saw no one. I ran for the woods. I ran and ran and ran until I didn't know where I was and I was out of breath. I stopped and looked around. Nothing but leaves and trees. I climbed up a tree to rest. I sat there.

Is this really happening? Is Hershel really dead? Am I the only survived. Carl? Judith? Daryl? Michonne I needed to find someone. Anyone. I don't care who it is. I hope Carl's okay. I hope everybody's okay. I'm alone. Alone. That's something I hate to be. I just hope I find someone quick.

My arm hurts like a lot. I looked over at it and I saw a big gash in the side of it. It was bloody. I finally remembered that people were shooting at me. I cut the sleeves off my shirt and tying them to my gash to stop the bleeding. I didn't have anything. Food, water, clothes. Nothing. I have two boxes of ammo, 2 guns and a knife. I knew I was losing blood. Not that quick but I was losing it.

It was starting to get dark. I decided to stay up in the tree for the night it's my best option. How the tree is, is the log I was sitting on was huge and the back of the stump was shaped so comfortable to sleep. I had my gun on my lap and I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up I got down and started walking north. I walked forever. There was a opening in the woods. I walked out I saw a building. I walked inside It was messed up. Someone was here. I went in the kitchen. I looked through the cabinets. Two bottles of water and bag of chips and four cans of fruit. I grabbed a bag that was laying on the floor and put the stuff in there. I also put my ammo in there.

I went out of the kitchen I sat down at a chair and a table I noticed a dead walker on the floor to. I opened up a can of fruit and a water and ate and drank some.

I decided to get going since there was nothing else to do. My main thing to do Is find some one in the group. Rick. Maggie. Daryl. Anyone.

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