Another Day

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Narrator: It all started on September/5/2017 when I was having these strange dreams. And someone or something was trying to communicate to me.

???: Knight

[ Cuts to scene of Knight running in a distorted city]

???: Knight!

Knight: aaaah! Hu hu

[ Knight wake-up in his bed room ]

Knight: What...what was that?

[Mira Is knock on knight's door]

Mira: Knight you're late! get your but out of bed  and get to work.  NOW!!!
Cuff cuff.

Knight: [Knight looks at his alarm clock ] OW SHIT!

          CROW ACT
       Book 1 Chapter 1      

           Another Day

[Knight runs down stairs while in a hurry ]

Knight: Morning Dex

Dex: Morning .

Narrator: Dex. The house robot. Well He's actually a war bot but still he help around the place. Not sure why he's called a war bot. I guess the words like terminate and Bionic have been used to death.

Dex: Why in such a rush?

Knight: Work. I'm late!

Dex: O well I just thought you want some bacon and  [ knowest knights eyes before knight almost ran out the door] KNIGHT WAIT!

[Knight stops]

Dex: Your eyes!

[Knight looks at the mirror in the hallway]

Knight: Shit...[runs up stairs] Forgot to put my contacts in.

[Knight puts his contact lenses on and his eyes changed to green]

Narrator: Here in this world people already known what kind of person you are just by looking at your eyes. For normis you can just have the stander eye colors like green, Brown,Silver and Amber eyes. For doves there's is a royal blue eyes. and for crows we have hazel yellow eyes. The reason why crows hide their eyes is so they won't be looked down upon like we're tarist.

Knight: Alright you guys I'm heading out.  

Mira: Ok don't be late for dinner tonight.

Narrator: My mother Mira Xion. She had a bad case of lung cancer. It never fun to see the ones you love suffer right in front of you. So I go to work to get my mother treated. I mean she's my mother why wouldn't I.

Knight: Ok love you!

Mira: Love you to!

[Knight goes out the front and gets on his bicycle and heads to work]

Narrator : Now back then, Knight Xion was the name that my mother and Dex called me by. Not as Knight Swordum. Mike Xion is just an alias to cover up my real name. From other folks. For reasons.

[Knight arrives at the bar in town and runs inside and opens the door]

Knight: Sorry I'm late.

Robert: Where have you been!?

Knight: At home.

Narrator: Robert. A close friend of mine. He has two kids. And three grand kids. he's in his mid seventy.

Robert: What were you doing this morning?


Robert: Mike you do realize that this is the fifth time you been late for work.

CROW ACT BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now